All Commuting Solutions of a Quadratic Matrix Equation for General Matrices
Date:2021-10-05 clicks:
DOI number:10.3390/toxins10050184
Journal:Toxins, 2018, 10: 184
Indexed by:SCI
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-05-01
Bian Jianchun
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Master Tutor
Name (English):Bian Jianchun
Name (Pinyin):Bian Jianchun
Administrative Position:临床兽医系主任
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:扬州大学文汇路校区动物医院306
Contact Information:0514-87979042/13338850772
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
Professional Title:正高级
Academic Titles:动物医院院长
Other Post:扬州大学动物疾病检测与技术服务中心主任
Alma Mater:东北农业大学
DOI number:10.3390/toxins10050184
Journal:Toxins, 2018, 10: 184
Indexed by:SCI
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-05-01