- Affiliation of Participant(s):兽医学院(比较医学院)
- Status:已结题
- Supported by:国家自然科学基金基金委
- Type of Research Outcome:Thesis
- Classification of Project:National Natural Science Foundation
- Sub-Class of Project:NSFC Natural Science Foundation of China
- Type of Project:基础研究
- Nature of Project:国家自然科学基金青年基金
- Supported by:国家自然科学基金委
- Project level:National
- Project Number:31702298
- Classification of Disciplines:Agricultural science
- First-Level Discipline:Veterinary Medicine
- Date of Project Approval:2017-08-01
- Scheduled completion time:2020-12-31
- Date of Project Completion:2020-12-31
- Date of Project Initiation:2018-01-01
- Subsidy Amount:23.0
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