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陈令坤,蒋丽忠.Bond properties of 500 MPa steel bars in engineered cementitious composites.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS,2022,175(3)230-243.
陈令坤,Kurtulus,董玉峰,Taciroglu,蒋丽忠.Velocity pulse effects of near-fault earthquakes on a high-speed railway vehicle-ballastless track-benchmark bridge system.VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS,2022,60(9)2963-2987.
陈令坤,秦红禧,蒋丽忠,徐磊.A vertical near-fault scenario earthquakes-based generic simulation framework for elastoplastic seismic analysis of light rail vehicle-viaduct system.VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS,2021,59(6)949-973.
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陈令坤,李胜才,赵鲲鹏,陈志勇,宋拓,张磊,姜治军.Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Seismic Performance of One-Way Straight Mortise-Tenon Joints Based on a Novel Method to Simulate Damage of Deteriorated Ancient Chinese Timber Buildings.JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES,2020,34(2)
陈令坤,秦红禧,蒋丽忠,徐磊.A vertical near-fault scenario earthquakes-based generic simulation framework for elastoplastic seismic analysis of light rail vehicle-viaduct system.VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS,2021,59(6)949-973.
陈令坤,袁瑞鹏,纪兴军,陆星妤,肖姜,陶俊波,康欣,李昕.Modular composite building in urgent emergency engineering projects: A case study of accelerated design and construction of Wuhan Thunder God Mountain/Leishenshan hospital to COVID-19 pandemic.AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION,2021,124