Chen Ying
Date of Birth:1995-11-02
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华南理工大学
MORE+主要研究方向:1. 可食抑菌保鲜包装材料2. 多糖(淀粉、纤维素及生物胶)材料综合利用3. 基于3D打印的新型淀粉资源发掘与利用4. 低GI面制品开发 教育背景:2021.04-2022.04 新加坡国立大学理学院,食品科学与工程,联合培养博士2016.09-2022.06 华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院,食品科学与工程,硕博连读2012.09-2016.06 海南大学食品科学与工程学院,食品科学与工程,本科主要讲授课程:;1. 食品营养与卫生 (专业核心课,3学分)2. 专业创新基础(专业基础课,1学分)3. 文献检索与科技论文写作(专业选修课,1学分)4. 食品安全与健康管理(全校公选课,2学分)5. 食品营养-吃货的健康手册(全校公选课,2学分)6. 专业英语(研究生)(专业核心课,1学分)7. 如何写好科技论文(留学生)(专业核心课,1学分)学生培养:1.指导22级研究生叶云月获2024年度研究生国家奖学金、研究生特等奖学及研究生一等奖学金;以第一作者身份发表中科院一区SCI论文1篇;以第二作者发表中科院一区SCI论文1篇;以第三作者发表中科院二区SCI论文1篇;授权发明专利一项;主持江苏省研究生科研创新竞赛省级立项一项2.指导23级研究生朱珠以第二作者身份发表中科院一区SCI论文2篇;以第三作者发表中科院一区SCI论文2篇;带队参加第三届中国研究生“双碳”创新创意大赛获国赛一等奖;获研究生特等奖学金3.指导22级研究生闫园园以第一作者身份发表中科院一区SCI论文1篇4.指导23级研究生王晶以第二作者身份发表中科院二区SCI论文1篇5.指导23级本科生聂宇平以第二作者发表中科院一区SCI论文1篇;以第四作者发表中科院二区SCI论文1篇;6.指导23级本科生史琨博以第三作者发表中科院一区SCI论文1篇7.指导23级本科生张琼带队参加第二届国家乳业技术创新大赛获国赛第二名;入围第十五届盼盼食品杯烘焙食品创意大赛国赛 (本年度招收硕士研究生2名,本科生1~2名,欢迎有科研热情,做事踏实且有一定英文阅读写作能力的同学联系我哦,邮箱科研项目:1. 主持:扬州大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目,在研2. 主持:江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)研究项目,在研3. 主持:扬州市青年自然科学项目,在研4. 主持:扬州市“绿杨金凤”人才计划,在研5. 参与:国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研 竞赛&获奖:1. 第十一届“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛 国赛金奖(队长/第一完成人)2. 第三届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 国赛银奖(主讲人/第二完成人)3. 第十一届“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛 省赛金奖(队长/第一完成人)4. 第三届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 省赛金奖第一名(主讲人/第二完成人)5. Avery Dennison 包装创意大赛 十大优秀创业项目 (奖金 10 万美元/主讲人)6. 江苏省研究生科研创新竞赛 省级立项 (指导学生)7.第三届中国研究生“双碳”创新创意大赛 国赛一等奖(2024)8. 扬州大学第八届微课教学比赛 一等奖 (2024)9.第二届国家乳业技术创新大赛 国赛第二名(2024)10.第十五届盼盼食品杯烘焙食品创意大赛 国赛入围 (2024)11. 扬州大学2024年度校园先锋(实践先锋) 发表论文及著作(第一作者或通讯作者):20.Kan W.,Nie Y.,...,Chen Y.* (2025)The Effect of Magnetic Field-Induced Orientation of Fillers on the Performance of Starch Composite Films . International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. (中科院一区 IF=7.75)19.Chen,Y.,Zhang H.,...,Chen Y.* (2025)Active starch-based film using polyvinyl alcohol and Chlorogenic acid for strawberry preservation: A comparative analysis of mechanical, barrier, and antibacterial properties. Food Chemistry, Article 143027. (中科院一区 IF=9.03)18.Yan, Y.,...,Chen, Y.* , Pan K.*(2025)Natural starches suitable for 3D printing: rhizome and seed starch from Millettia speciosa Champ, a non-conventional source. Carbohydrate Polymers, Article 123104. (中科院一区 IF=11.47)17.Liu,F.,...,Chen Y.* (2025)Optimization of starch foam extrusion through PVA polymerization, moisture content control, and CMCS incorporation for enhanced antibacterial cushioning packaging, Carbohydrate Polymers, 347, Article 122763. (中科院一区 IF=11.47)16.Chen, Y.,Wang J., ..., Zhang Liang.* (2024)Effects of different plasticizers on the structure, Physical Properties and Film forming performance of curdlan edible films. Foods. (中科院二区,IF=4.7)15.Chen, S., Chen, Y.* , Jin C.*(2024)Revisiting the elution of multi-scale structures of starches with different crystalline structures during the enzymatic digestion. Foods. (中科院二区,IF=4.7)14.Chen, Y., Zhu Z., ..., Xie F.*(2024)Shellac-based Materials: Structures, Properties, and Applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,279, Article 135102. (中科院一区 IF=7.7)13.Chen, Y., Zhu Z., Ye Y., Li Q., Yang T.*, Guan C., Liu F.*(2024) Comprehensive Evaluation of the Physicochemical Attributes, Antioxidant Capacity, and pH-Responsive Behavior of Starch Films Enhanced by Laver Incorporation. Foods, 13(11), 1600. (中科院二区,IF=4.7)12. Li S. , Liu J., Chen Y.*, Yang T., Pan K.*.(2024)Novel Rod-shaped Starches from Galanga: Physicochemical Properties, Fine Structure and In vitro digestibility. Foods. (中科院二区,IF=4.7)11. Ye, Y.,Zhang, L., ...Chen, Y.* (2024)Facile Superhydrophobic Modification on HPMC Film Using Polydimethylsiloxane and Starch Granule Coatings. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. (中科院一区 IF=8.025)10.Chen, Y.,Ye, Y.,...Liu, F. (2024)Preparation and characterization of peach gum/chitosan polyelectrolyte composite films with dual cross-linking networks for antibacterial packaging.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,Article 129754. (中科院一区 IF=8.025)9.Chen, Y., Han X., ...Zhang L. (2024)Dry ball-milled quinoa starch as Pickering emulsifier: Preparation,microstructures, hydrophobic property and emulsifying property.Foods. (中科院二区 IF=4.7)8. Chen, Y., Wang, Y., . . . Yu, L*.(2023)Influence of ohmic heating on structure, texture and flavor of peanut protein isolate. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 90, Article 103512. (中科院一区 IF=6.06) 7. Duan, Q.1, Chen, Y.1*, Yu, L., & Xie, F.*, (2022)Thermomechanically processed chitosan-gelatin composite films: The roles of plasticization and nanofiller addition in chain interactions and material properties. Polymers. (封面论文 共一/通讯 IF=4.973)6. Chen, Y., Duan, Q., Yu, L., & Xie, F*. (2021). Thermomechanically processed chitosan:gelatin films being transparent, mechanically robust and less hygroscopic. Carbohydrate Polymers, 272, Article 118522. (中科院一区 IF=10.723)5. Chen, Y., Zhu, J., . . . Yu, L*. (2021). Anchor and bridge functions of APTES layer on interface between hydrophilic starch films and hydrophobic soyabean oil coating. Carbohydrate Polymers, 272, Article 118450. (中科院一区 IF=10.723)4. Chen, Y., Liu, H.*, . . . Chen, L. (2020). Superhydrophobic Modification on Starch Film Using PDMS and Ball-Milled MMT Coating. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8(28), 10423-10430. (封面论文 中科院一区 IF=9.224) 3. Chen, Y., Yu, L.*, . . . Chen, L. (2019). Preparation and characterization of edible starch film reinforced by laver. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 129, 944-951. (中科院一区IF=8.025)2. Chen, Y., Wang, Y., . . . Yu, L*. (2020). Effect of annealing on morphologies and performances of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose/hydroxypropyl starch blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137, Article 49535. (中科院三区 IF=3.057) 1. Chen, Y., Lu K., Liu H., Yu, L., Bio-based Packaging--Materials, Environmental and Economic Aspects, Chapter-1 Starch Based Packaging Materials, 2021. (专著 WILEY)学术任职(部分):《Journal of future Foods 》青年编委;《Foods》 Guest Editor;《 Frontiers in Food Science and Technology》 Review Editor
[1] 2021.4 to 2022.4
| Food Science and Engineering
| 海外博士留学生
[2] 2018.9 to 2022.6
| 食品科学与工程
| Doctoral Degree in Engineering
| With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
[3] 2012.9 to 2016.6
| 食品科学与工程
| Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
| University graduated
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