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教师拼音名称:Fan Xiaolei
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范晓磊,男,汉族,中共党员,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。教学上主要承担本科《遗传学》、《植物生物技术导论》和《植物组织培养技术实验》等课程,指导省级和校级研究生及本科生科研创新项目3项,均顺利结题,其中1名硕士生论文被评为2021年江苏省优秀硕士论文。科研上从事稻米品质形成响应高温的分子机制研究及分子设计育种等研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金项目各1项、江苏省自主创新项目1项、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目1项、江苏省博士后基金一等资助项目1项等研究项目,在Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,Food Chemistry,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture等期刊上发表研究论文多篇,申请国家发明专利12项,获授权专利1项。相关成果参与获批江苏省科学技术奖一等奖、江苏省农业科技奖技术创新一等奖和江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果三等奖。目前兼任盐城市科技副总和澳大利亚昆士兰大学博士生校外导师。
2021/1-2024/12 国家自然科学基金面上项目32072032 《高温影响水稻胚乳淀粉合成相关基因可变剪切及其效应研究》主持
2021/7-2023/6 江苏省自主创新项目CX(21)3010 《高温影响稻米品质形成的遗传解析及抗逆种质创新》主持
2016/1-2018/12 国家青年科学基金项目31500972《高温影响水稻不同Wx等位基因表达及直链淀粉含量的分子机制研究》主持
2016/1-2018/12 中国博士后特别资助2016T90513《高温影响稻米品质形成的分子机制研究》主持
2016/1-2017/12 江苏省博士后基金项目1501071A《水稻Wx基因表达及直链淀粉含量响应高温的分子机制研究》主持
2020/4-2020/7 横向课题《地方种质资源品质等性状有利基因挖掘和鉴定》主持
2020/6-2021/6 扬州大学科技创新培育基金项目《高温对水稻胚乳发育和品质形成重要基因可变剪切的影响和效应研究》主持
●Sun Xiaosong#; Bian Xinyue#; Wang Jingdong#; Chen Si#; Yang Rui; Li Rumeng; Xia Lexiong; Chen Dinghao; Fan, Xiaolei*. Loss of RSR1 function increases the abscisic acid content and improves rice quality at high temperature, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 256, 128426.
●Zhang, Shaobo; Fan, Xiaolei; Alpeshkumar K*; Robert G. Gilbert*. Development of a model for granule-bound starch synthase activity using free-energy calculations, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253, 127589.
●Fan, Xiaolei#; Sun, Xiaosong, Yang, Rui; Chen, Si; Li, Rumeng; Bian, Xinyue; Xia, Lexiong; Zhang, Changquan*; Comparative analyses of grain quality in response to high temperature during the grain-filling stage between Wxa and Wxb under indica and japonica backgrounds, Agronomy-basel, 2023, 13: 17.
●Fan, Xiaolei#; Zhao, Jie#; Sun, Xiaosong; Zhu, Yun; Li, Qianfeng; Zhang, Lin; Zhao, Dongsheng; Huan,g Lichun; Zhang, Changquan; Liu, Qiaoquan*; Exogenous melatonin improves the quality performance of rice under high temperature during grain filling, Agronomy-basel, 2022, 12: 949.
●Fan, Xiaolei#; Li, Yingqiu#; Zhu, Yun; Wang, Jingdong; Zhao, Jie; Sun, Xiaosong; Pan, Yuntao; Bian, Xinyue; Zhang, Changquan; Zhao, Dongsheng; Liu, Qiaoquan*; Characterization of physicochemical qualities and starch structures of two indica rice varieties tolerant to high temperature during grain filling, Journal of Cereal Science, 2020, 93: 102966.
●Fan, Xiaolei; Li, Yingqiu; Lu, Yan; Zhang, Changquan; Li, Enpeng; Li, Qianfeng; Tao, Keyu; Yu, Wenwen; Wang, Jingdong; Chen, Zhuanzhuan; Zhu, Yun; Liu, Qiaoquan*; The interaction between amylose and amylopectin synthesis in rice endosperm grown at high temperature, Food Chemistry, 2019, 301: 125258.
●Fan, Xiaolei; Li, Yingqiu; Zhang, Changquan; Li, Enpeng; Chen, Zhuanzhuan; Li, Qianfeng; Zhang, Zhongwei; Zhu, Yun; Sun, Xiaosong; Liu, Qiaoquan*; Effects of high temperature on the fine structure of starch during the grain-filling stages in rice: mathematical modeling and integrated enzymatic analysis, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99(6): 2865-2873.
●Fan, Xiaolei; Wu, Jiemin; Chen, Taiyu; Tie, Weiwei; Chen, Hao; Zhou, Fei; Lin, Yongjun*; Loss-of-function mutation of rice SLAC7 decreases chloroplast stability and induces a photoprotection mechanism in rice, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 57(12): 1063-1077.
●Zhang, Changquan#; Zhu, Jihui#; Chen, Shengjie#; Fan, Xiaolei; Li, Qianfeng; Lu, Yan; Wang, Min; Yu, Hengxiu; Yi, Chuandeng; Tang, Shuzhu; Gu, Minghong; Liu, Qiaoquan*; Wxlv, the Ancestral Allele of Rice Waxy Gene, Molecular Plant, 2019, 12(8): 1157-1166.
●刘巧泉; 范晓磊; 张昌泉; 李钱峰; 赵冬生; 黄李春; 孙晓松. 改善高温下稻米品质表现的Wx自然变异位点及其应用, 2023-10-17, 中国, CN 2023113424167
●刘巧泉; 张昌泉; 范晓磊; 李钱峰; 陆彦; 陈盛杰. 基因表达载体Wxb-10T的构建、转基因水稻的制备及引物, 2022-3-8, 中国, CN 108949753 B
团队成员Research Group