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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


男,教授,博士生导师。1981年生,汉族,江苏如东人,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学博士,海外优秀博士人才引进。20002007在中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院完成本科、硕士阶段学习。200712月赴现代农业作物模型模拟的发源地荷兰瓦赫宁根大学攻读博士。在博士期间,顾骏飞接受了系统的作物模型与作物生理学训练,并开展了水稻的光合生理模型与产量模型研究,导师为荷兰著名的作物生理学教授Paul C. Struik和殷新佑教授。20135月起,在扬州大学农学院从事作物栽培生理与模型研究。先后入选江苏省双创博士,扬州市绿扬金凤人才计划,扬州大学高端人才支持计划/拔尖人才,江苏省双创团队(核心成员)等。

在教学和学生工作方面,讲授《农业信息研究进展》、《作物科学研究法》、《VB语言程序设计》、《Crop Science》和《农科英语阅读与写作》等课程。获得最受学生欢迎的班主任,优秀考研指导教师等荣誉称号。指导的本科生获省大学生科研创新计划资助,省优秀本科生论文指导教师,指导的硕士生多次获得国家奖学金。指导本科生获得全国大学生生命科学竞赛国赛一等奖(2023),挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛省赛特等奖、国赛一等奖(2023).

科研方面,在作物光合生理、氮肥高效利用、稻米品质、水稻逆境生理等方向进行研究。以第一作者与通讯作者在Carbohydrate PolymersPlant, Cell and Environment, Journal of Experimental Botany, Annals of Botany, Plant Science, Frontiers in Plant Science, Field Crops Research等杂志发表多篇学术论文。主持多项国家级省部级科研项目。

江苏省植物生理学会理事,Agronomy(SCI二区,IF3.949, 2021-至今)编委,Frontiers in Plant Science副主编(SCI二区,IF6.627, Associate Editor, 2022-至今);Field Crops Research副主编(SCI一区,IF6.145,Associate Editor, 2022.12-至今)。入选2023年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。

文章列表:(* 通讯作者;共同作者)

1. Li, Z., Shen, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Gu, J.*, Yang, J.*, 2023. Effects of long-term straw returning on rice yield and soil properties and bacterial community in a rice-wheat rotation system. Field Crops Research, (Accepted)

2. Gu, J., Yang, J.*, 2022. Nitrogen (N) transformation in paddy rice field: Its effect on N uptake and relation to improved N management. Crop and Environment, 1, 7-14.

3. Zang, Y., Yao, J., Xu, Z., Wang, B., Mao, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Liang, G., Yang, J., Zhou, Y.*, Gu, J.*, 2022. The relationships among “STAY-GREEN” trait, post-anthesis assimilate remobilization, and grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 13668.

4. Zhou, Z., Struik, P.C., Gu, J., van der Putten, P.E.L., Wang, Z., Yin, X.*, Yang, J.*, 2022. Leaf-colour modification affects canopy photosynthesis, dry-matter accumulation and yield traits in rice. Field Crops Research, 290, 108746.

5. Yin, X.*, Gu, J., Dingkuhn, M., Struik, P.C., 2022. A model-guided holistic review of exploiting natural variation of photosynthesis traits in crop improvement. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73, 3173-3188.

6. Liu, K., Zhou, S., Li, S., Wang, J., Wang, W., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Yang, J., Liu, L.*, 2022. Differences and mechanisms of post-anthesis dry matter accumulation in rice varieties with different yield levels. Crop and Environment, 1, 262-272.

7. Zhang, W., Huang, H., Zhou, Y., Zhu K., Wu, Y., Xu, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Xiong, F., Wang, Z., Liu, L., Yang, J.*, 2022. Brassinosteroids mediate moderate soil-drying to alleviate spikelet degeneration under high temperature during meiosis of rice. Plant, Cell & Environment, DOI: 10.1111/pce.14436

8. Zhang, W., Zhou, Y., Li, C., Zhu, K., Xu, Y., Wang, W., Liu, L., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Yang, J.*, 2022. Post-anthesis moderate soil-drying facilitates source-to-sink remobilization of nitrogen via redistributing cytokinins in rice. Field Crops Research, 288, 108692.

9. Fang, W., Zhang, Y., Zhang, W., Gu, J., Xiong, F., An, G., Wu, Y.*, 2022. Rice transcription factor OsDOF enlarges the starch granule size by cytokinin. Current Plant Biology, 31, 100253.

10. Zhou T, Li Z, Li, E, Wang W, Yuan L, Zhang H, Liu L, Wang Z, Gu J.*, Yang J.*, 2021. Optimization of nitrogen fertilization improves rice quality by affecting the structure and physicochemical properties of starch at high yield levels, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21, 1576-1592.

11. Li, S., Chen, Y., Yu, F., Zhang, Y., Liu, K., Zhou, X., Qiu, Y., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Wang, W., Yang, J., Liu, L.*, 2022. Reducing methane emission by promoting its oxidation in rhizosphere through nitrogen-induced root growth in paddy fields. Plant and Soil, 474, 541-560.

12. Li, S., Chen, Y., Li, T., Yu, F., Zhang, Y., Liu, K., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Yang, J., Liu, L.*, 2022. Alternate wetting and moderate soil drying irrigation counteracts the negative effects of lower nitrogen levels on rice yield. Plant and Soil, Doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05644-6

13. Zhou, Q.*, Yuan, R., Zhang, W., Gu, J., Liu, L., Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Yang, J.* 2022. Grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency and physiological performance of indica/japonica hybrid rice in response to nitrogen rates. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. DOI: 10.1016/j.jia.2022.08.076.

14. Jing, W., Wu, H., Gu, H., Xiao, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, W., Gu, J., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Yang, J., Zhang, H.* 2022. Response of grain yield and water use efficiency to irrigation regimes during mid-season indica rice genotype improvement. Agriculture, 12, 1647.

15. Xiao, Z., Gu, H., Wu, H., Jing, W., Zhu K., Zhang, W., Gu, J., Liu, L., Qian, X., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, Zhang, H.* 2022. Effects of planting density, levels, and forms of nitrogen application on the yield and nitrogen Utilization of Wheat following rice in east China. Agronomy, 12, 2607.

16. Gu, J.* 2022. Ecophysiological crop modelling combined with genetic analysis is a powerful tool for ideotype design. Agronomy, 12, 215.

17. Liu, K., Chen, Y., Huang, J., Qiu, Y., Li, S., Zhuo, X., Yu, F., Gao, J., Li, G., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Liu, L., Yang, J. 2022. Spikelet differentiation and degeneration in rice varieties with different panicle sizes. Food and Energy Security, 11(1), e320.

18. Liu, K., Chen, Y., Li, S., Wang, W., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Yang, J., Liu, L. 2022. Differing responses of root morphology and physiology to nitrogen application rates and their relationships with grain yield in rice. Crop Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2022.07.019

19. Wang W., Loladze I., Wang J., Han Y., Gu J., Zhang H., Liu L., Wang J., Xu Y., Zhang W., Wang Z., Yang J., 2022. Improving the accuracy of meta-analysis for datasets with missing measures of variance: Elevated [CO2] effect on plant growth as a case study. Science of the Total Environment, 806, 150669.

20. Zhou, T., Chen, L., Wang, W., Xu, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Gu, J.*, Yang, J.*, 2022. Effects of application of rapeseed cake as organic fertilizer on rice quality at high yield level. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102, 1832-1841.

21. Zhang H, Jing W, Zhao B., Wang W., Xu Y., Zhang W., Gu J., Liu L., Wang Z., Yang J.*, 2021. Alternative fertilizer and irrigation practices improve rice yield and resource use efficiency by regulating source-sink relationship. Field Crops Research, 265, 108124.

22. Chen, L., Xie H., Wang, G. L., Yuan, L., Qian, X., Wang, W., Xu, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Gu, J.*, Yang, J.*, 2021. Reducing environmental risk by improving crop management practices at high crop yield levels. Field Crops Research, 265, 108123.

23. Yan W., Jiang J.*, Zhu L., Zhang L., Li H., Gu J.*, 2021. Straw mulching improves soil fertility and productivity of water spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica Forsk.) under plastic tunnel. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 52, 2958-2970.

24. Cao W., Zhang H., Zhou Y., Zhao J., Lu S., Wang X., Chen X., Yuan L., Guan H., Wang G., Shen W., Vleesschauwer D.D., Li Z., Shi X., Gu J., Guo M., Feng Z., Chen Z., Zhang Y., Pan X., Liu W., Liang G., Yan C., Hu K., Liu Q., Zuo S.*, 2022. Suppressing chlorophyll degradation by silencing OsNYC3 improves rice resistance to Rhizoctonia solani, the causalagent of sheath blight. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20, 335-349.

25. Wang W., He J., Wang Z., Gu J., Liu L., Zhang W., Ziska L.H.*, Zhu J.*, 2021. Leaf characteristics of rice cultivars with a stronger yield response to projected increases in CO2 concentration. Physiologia Plantarum, 171, 416-423.

26. Wang W., Yuan S., Wu C., Yang S., Zhang W., Xu Y., Gu J., Zhang H., Wang Z., Yang J.*, Zhu J.*, 2021. Field experiments and model simulation based evaluation of rice yield response to projected climate change in Southeastern China. Science of the Total Environment, 761, 143206.

27. Chen Y., Zhang Y., Li S., Liu K., Li G., Zhang D., Lv B., Gu J., Zhang H., Yang J., Liu L.*, 2021, OsRGA1 optimizes photosynthate allocation for roots to reduce methane emissions and improve yield in paddy ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 160, 108344.

28. Zhang W., Yu J., Xu Y., Wang Z., Liu L., Zhang H., Gu J., Zhang J., Yang J.*, 2021. Alternate wetting and drying irrigation combined with the proportion of polymer-coated urea and conventional urea rates increases grain yield, water and nitrogen use efficiencies in rice. Field Crops Research, 268, 108165.

29. Deng Y., Qiao S., Wang W., Zhang W., Gu J., Liu L., Zhang H., Wang Z., Yang J.*, 2021. Tolerance to low phosphorus was enhanced by an alternate wetting and drying regime in rice. Food and Energy Security, 10, e294.

30. Wang, W., Cai, C., He, J., Gu, J., Zhu, G., Zhang, W., Zhu, J.*, Liu, G., 2020. Yield, dry matter distribution and photosynthetic characteristics of rice under elevated CO2 and increased temperature conditions. Field Crops Research 248, 107605.

31. Zhou, T., Zhou, Q., Li, E., Yuan, L., Wang, W., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, Gu, J.*, 2020. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on structure and physicochemical properties of ‘super’ rice starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 239, 116237.

32. Deng, Y., Men, C., Qiao, S., Wang, W., Gu, J., Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, 2020. Tolerance to low phosphorus in rice varieties is conferred by regulation of root growth. Crop Journal, 8, 534-547.

33. Liu K., Li T., Chen Y., Huang J., Qiu Y., Li S., Wang H., Zhu A., Zhou X., Yu F., Zhang H., Gu J., Liu L.*, Yang J., 2020. Effects of root morphology and physiology on the formation and regulation of large panicles in rice. Field Crops Research, 258, 107946. 

34. Zhang, H.*, Hou, D., Peng, X., Ma, B., Shao, S., Jing, W., Gu, J., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Yang, J., 2019. Optimizing integrative cultivation management improves grain quality while increasing yield and nitrogen use efficiency in rice. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18, 2716-2731.

35. Wang, W., Xu, X., Zhu, C., Gu, J., Zhang, W., Liu, G., Zhu, J.*, 2019. Elevated CO2-induced changes in cytokinin and nitrogen metabolism are associated with different responses in the panicle architecture of two contrasting rice genotypes. Plant Growth Regulation, 89, 119-129.

36. Zhang, H., Liu, H., Hou, D., Zhou, Y., Liu, M., Wang, Z., Liu, L., Gu, J., Yang, J.*, 2019. The effects of integrative crop management on root growth and methane emission of paddy rice. Crop Journal, 7, 444-457.

37. Wang, J., Li, Z., Jin, X., Liang, G., Struik, P.C., Gu, J.*, Zhou, Y.*, 2019. Phenotyping flag leaf nitrogen content in rice using a three-band spectral index. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 162, 475-481.

38. Chen, Y., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Li, T., Ge, H., Xia, S., Gu, J., Zhang, H., Lü, B., Wu, X., Wang, Z., Yang, J., Zhang, J., Liu, L.*, 2019. Rice root morphological and physiological traits interaction with rhizosphere soil and its effect on methane emission in paddy fields. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 129, 191-200.

39. Zhang, W., Zhu, K., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Liu, L., Yang, J.*, Zhang J.*, 2019. Brassinosteroids function in spikelet differentiation and degeneration in rice. Journal of integrative plant biology 61: 943-963.

40. Gu, J., Li, Z., Mao, Y., Struik, P.C., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, 2018. Roles of nitrogen and cytokinin signals in root and shoot communications in maximizing of plant productivity and their agronomic applications. Plant Science, 274, 320-331.

41. Zhang, H., Yu, C., Kong, X., Hou, D., Gu, J., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, 2018. Progressive integrative crop managements increase grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency and irrigation water productivity in rice. Field Crops Research, 215, 1-11.

42. Zhang, H., Yu, C., Hou, D. P., Liu, H., Zhang, H., Tao, R., Cai, H., Gu, J., Liu, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, 2018. Changes in mineral elements and starch quality of grains during the improvement of japonica rice cultivars. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98, 122-133.

43. Gu, J.#, Zhou, Z.#, Li, Z., Chen, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Yang, J.*, 2017. Photosynthetic properties and potentials for improvement of photosynthesis in pale green leaf rice under high light conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 1082.

44. Gu, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, H., Li, Z. K., Zhou, Q., Yu, C., Kong, X. S., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Yang, J.*, 2017. Canopy light and nitrogen distributions are related to grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in rice. Field Crops Research, 206, 74-85.

45. Gu, J.*, Zhou, Z., Li, Z., Chen, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., 2017. Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) with reduced chlorophyll content exhibit higher photosynthetic rate and efficiency, improved canopy light distribution, and greater yields than normally pigmented plants. Field Crops Research, 200, 58-70.

46. Zhang, W., Gu, J., Wang, Z., Wei, C., Yang, J.*, Zhang, J., 2017. Comparison of structural and functional properties of wheat starch under different soil drought conditions. Scientific Reports, 7, 12312.

47. Zhang, W., Cao, Z., Zhou, Q., Chen, J., Xu, G., Gu, J., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Yang, J., Zhang, H.*, 2016. Grain Filling Characteristics and their relations with endogenous hormones in large-and small-grain mutants of rice. PLOS ONE 11: e0165321.

48. Xu, Y., Qiu, M., Li, Y., Qian, X., Gu, J., Yang, J.*, 2016. Polyamines mediate the effect of post-anthesis soil drying on starch granule size distribution in wheat kernel. Crop Journal, 4, 444-458.

49. Gu, J., Chen, J., Chen, L., Wang, Z. Q., Zhang, H., Yang, J.*, 2015. Grain quality changes and responses to nitrogen fertilizer of japonica rice cultivars released in the Yangtze River Basin from the 1950s to 2000s. Crop Journal, 3, 285-297.

50. Liu, L.*, Xiong, Y., Bian, J., Zhang, H., Gu, J., Wang, Z., Yang, J., 2015. Effect of genetic improvement of grain yield and nitrogen efficiency of mid-season indica rice cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 178, 297-305.

51. Gu, J., Yin, X. *, Zhang, C., Wang, H., Stuik, P., 2014. Linking ecophysiological modelling with quantitative genetics to support marker-assisted crop design for improved rice (Oryza sativa L.) yields under drought stress. Annals of Botany, 114, 499-511.

52. Gu, J., Yin, X.*, Stomph, T.J., Struik, P.C., 2014. Can exploiting natural genetic variation in leaf photosynthesis contribute to increasing rice productivity? A simulation analysis. Plant, Cell and Environment, 37, 22-34.

53. Gu, J., Qiu, M., Yang, J.*, 2013. Enhanced tolerance to drought in transgenic rice plants overexpressing C4 photosynthesis enzymes. Crop Journal, 1, 105-114.

54. Gu, J., Yin, X.*, Stomph, T.J., Wang, H., Struik, P.C., 2012. Physiological basis of genetic variation in leaf photosynthesis among rice (Oryza sativa L.) introgression lines under drought and well-watered conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63, 5137-5153.

55. Gu, J., Yin, X., Struik, P.C., Stomph, T.J., Wang, H.*, 2012. Using chromosome introgression lines to map quantitative trait loci for photosynthesis parameters in rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves under drought and well-watered field conditions. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63, 455-469.

56. Yin, X.#*, Sun, Z.#, Struik, P.C., Gu, J., 2011. Evaluating a new method to estimate the rate of leaf respiration in the light by analysis of combined gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62, 3489-3499.

Educational Experience

2004.9 2007.7

  • 中国农业大学
  • 作物遗传育种
  • Master's Degree in Agriculture
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

2000.9 2004.7

  • 中国农业大学
  • 遗传育种
  • Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
  • University graduated

2007.12 2013.1

  • 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学
  • 作物生理学
  • Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Work Experience

2013.5 Now
  • 扬州大学

Social Affiliations