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Master Tutor

Name (Pinyin):Hang Xinxin



Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science

Professional Title:副高级


Alma Mater:中国科学院大学

Research Field

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Paper Publications more+
[1] Hang Xinxin,刘贝,袁国强,王小菊,安阳,庞欢.Facile synthesis of 2D bimetallic MOF micro/nanostructures for enhanced supercapacitor.MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY,2023,34(12) [2] Hang Xinxin,王小菊,王梅林,陈梦伟,毕研峰.Thiacalixarene-based {Co/Fe}16 coordination clusters: bimetallic synergistic effect for an enhanc....INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2023,10(3)926-933. [3] Hang Xinxin,杨瑞,薛雅丹,郑莎莎,单禹滢,杜梦,赵嘉伟,庞欢.The introduction of cobalt element into nickel-organic framework for enhanced supercapacitive per....CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2023,34(7) [4] Hang Xinxin,王申堂,庞欢,徐强.A coordination cage hosting ultrafine and highly catalytically active gold nanoparticles.CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2022,13(2)461-468. [5] Hang Xinxin,薛雅丹,赵嘉伟,杨瑞,庞欢.In Situ Generation of NiCoP Nanoparticles on a Bimetal-Organic Framework for High-Performance Sup....INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2022,61(27)10435-10441. [6] Hang Xinxin,赵嘉伟,薛雅丹,杨瑞,庞欢.Synergistic effect of Co/Ni bimetallic metal-organic nanostructures for enhanced electrochemical ....JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2022,628389-396. [7] Hang Xinxin,薛雅丹,杜梦,杨瑞,赵嘉伟,庞欢.Controlled synthesis of a cobalt-organic framework: hierarchical micro/nanospheres for high-perfo....INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2022,9(12)2845-2851. [8] Hang Xinxin,刘贝,袁国强,王小菊,安阳,庞欢.Facile synthesis of 2D bimetallic MOF micro/nanostructures for enhanced supercapacitor.MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY,2023,34(12) [9] Hang Xinxin,杨瑞,薛雅丹,郑莎莎,单禹滢,杜梦,赵嘉伟,庞欢.The introduction of cobalt element into nickel-organic framework for enhanced supercapacitive per....CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS,2023,34(7) [10] Hang Xinxin,王小菊,王梅林,陈梦伟,毕研峰.Thiacalixarene-based {Co/Fe}16 coordination clusters: bimetallic synergistic effect for an enhanc....INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2023,10(3)926-933.
[1] 一种核壳型 Ni-MOF@MnFe-PBA 材料的制备方法
Published Books

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Research Projects
[1] 杯芳烃基配位笼的制备及其封装铂纳米颗粒辅助的光催化析氢性质研究,