教师拼音名称:LD[1]. 1991.9- 1993.7
苏州教育学院 |  音乐教育 |  大学专科毕业
[2]. 1995.9- 1998.7
南京师范大学 |  音乐教育 |  大学本科毕业 |  文学学士学位
[1]. 1993.8- 2013.5
连云港师范高等专科学校 | 历任
Lin Dan, is Associate Professor at the School of Educational Science, Yangzhou University. She got her BA from the Department of Music of Nanjing Normal University. Her research interest is piano education and Western Impressionism Music. The courses which she teaches include piano education, piano improvisational accompaniment and singing lessons. She has published over 10 papers in scholarly journals, such as Hundred Schools in Art, Journal of Guizhou University and Journal of Qiqihar University..Email: lindan00@sina.com. Tel:+86-13773569726.