- Guangyu Lu,张东英,陈娟,曹园园,柴丽莹,朱国鼎,曹俊,其他.Predicting the risk of malaria re-introduction in countries certified malaria-free: a systematic review.MALARIA JOURNAL,2023,22(1)
- Guangyu Lu,曹园园,王伟明,杨蒙蒙,刘耀宝,章钰莹,朱国鼎,曹俊.江苏省输入性疟疾初诊时间及影响因素分析.中国血吸虫病防治杂志,2022,34(02)172-186.
- Guangyu Lu,曹园园,张东英,章钰莹,徐玉慧,卢艳,朱国鼎,曹俊.Implementation and challenges to preventing the re-establishment of malaria in China in the COVID-19 era.GLOBALIZATION AND HEALTH,2022,18(1)
- Guangyu Lu,曹园园,陈麒,朱国鼎,Muller,O,曹俊.Care-seeking delay of imported malaria to China: implications for improving post-travel healthcare for migrant workers.JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE,2022,29(4)
- Guangyu Lu,曹园园,柴丽莹,李育平,李疏影,Heuschen,朱国鼎,曹俊.Barriers to seeking health care among returning travellers with malaria: A systematic review.TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH,2022,27(1)28-37.
- Guangyu Lu,张恒柱,李育平.In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding Decompressive Craniectomy for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pooled Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.WORLD NEUROSURGERY,2021,145512-512.
- Guangyu Lu,陈麒,李育平,刘雨婷,章钰莹,黄羽佳,朱磊.Status of antibiotic residues and detection techniques used in Chinese milk: A systematic review based on cross-sectional surveillance data.FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2021,147
- Guangyu Lu,Muller,O,李育平.Imported COVID-19 cases: A hot topic with a lack a clear definition.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2021,105389-390.
- Guangyu Lu,Razum,O,Jahn,A,章钰莹,Sutton,B,Sridhar,D,Muller,其他.COVID-19 in Germany and China: mitigation versus elimination strategy.GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION,2021,14(1)
- Guangyu Lu,王劲松,丁晓帆,章钰莹,李育平.中德高等医学院校医患沟通教育现状的比较分析.中国多媒体与网络教学学报,2021,2021,(02)57-59.