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Lijun Liu

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Paper Publications

Effect of genetic improvement of grain yield and nitrogen efficiency of mid-season indica rice cultivars


Impact Factor:2.426

DOI number:10.1002/jpln.201400304

Journal:Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science

Co-author:Xiong, Yiwei,Bian, Jinglong,Zhang, Hao,Gu, Junfei,Wang, Zhiqin,Yang, Jianchang

First Author:Liu Lijun*

Indexed by:研究报告

Correspondence Author:Liu Lijun



Page Number:297-305

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2015-01-08

Pre One:Combination of site-specific nitrogen management and alternate wetting and drying irrigation increases grain yield and nitrogen and water use efficiency in super rice

Next One:Effects of heat, drought and their combined effects on morphological structure and physicochemical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) starch