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Lijun Liu

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

Spikelet differentiation and degeneration in rice varieties with different panicle sizes


Impact Factor:4.109

DOI number:10.1002/fes3.320

Journal:Food and Energy Security

Co-author:Yun Chen,Jian Huang,Yuanyuan Qiu,Siyu Li,Xinxin Zhuo,Feng Yu,Jie Gao,Guoming Li,Weiyang Zhang,Hao Zhang,Junfei Gu,Lijun Liu*,Jianchang Yang

First Author:Kun Liu

Indexed by:研究报告

Correspondence Author:Lijun Liu

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2021-08-02

Included Journals:SCI

Pre One:Reducing methane emission by promoting its oxidation in rhizosphere through nitrogen‑induced root growth in paddy fields

Next One:Agronomic and physiological characteristics of high-yielding ratoon rice varieties