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Lijun Liu

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

Integrated management approaches enabling sustainable rice production under alternate wetting and drying irrigation


Journal:Agricultural Water Management

Co-author:Yajun Zhang, Weilu Wang, Siyu Li, Kuanyu Zhu, Xia Hua, Matthew Tom Harrison, Ke Liu, Jianchang Yang, Lijun Liu*, Yun Chen*


Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2023-03-05

Included Journals:SCI

Pre One:Kun Liu, Yun Chen, Siyu Li, Weilu Wang, Weiyang Zhang, Hao Zhang, Junfei Gu, Jianchang Yang, Lijun Liu*. Differing responses of root morphology and physiology to nitrogen application rates and their relationships with grain yield in rice. The Crop Journal, 2023, 11: 618–627

Next One:OsRGA1 optimizes photosynthate allocation for roots to reduce methane emissions and improve yield in paddy ecosystems