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- 杨晴晴,赵冬生,张昌泉,吴宏玉,李钱峰,顾铭洪,辛世文,刘巧泉.A Connection between Lysine and Serotonin Metabolism in Rice Endosperm.PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2018,176(3)1965-1980.
- 王娟,胡盼,林令尚,陈梓春,刘巧泉,韦存虚.Gradually Decreasing Starch Branching Enzyme Expression Is Responsible for the Formation of Heterogeneous Starch Granules.PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2018,176(1)582-595.
- 李钱峰,余佳雯,鲁军,费宏源,罗鸣,曹步暐,刘巧泉,张昌泉.Seed-Specific Expression of OsDWF4, a Rate-Limiting Gene Involved in Brassinosteroids Biosynthesis, Improves Both Grain Yield and Quality in Rice.JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2018,66(15)3759-3772.
- 李钱峰,王劲东,熊敏,魏珂,周鹏,黄李春,刘巧泉,张昌泉.iTRAQ-Based Analysis of Proteins Co-Regulated by Brassinosteroids and Gibberellins in Rice Embryos during Seed Germination.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2018,19(11)
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- 李钱峰,余佳雯,鲁军,熊敏,张昌泉,刘巧泉.水稻萌发过程中油菜素内酯影响淀粉代谢的效应及其机理.江苏农业科学,2018,46(4),60-64.
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- 李钱峰,熊敏,徐鹏,黄李春,张昌泉,刘巧泉.Dissection of brassinosteroid-regulated proteins in rice embryos during germination by quantitative proteomics.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6卷-.