Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Birth:1992-08-17
Date of Employment:2024-07-01
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:文汇路校区26号楼217
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Professional Title:中级
Alma Mater:中国农业大学
(1). 2024年扬州市“绿扬金凤计划”优秀博士人才引进项目,主持;
(2). 国家自然科学基金:玉米倒伏高光谱响应机理解析与灾情遥感评估,参与;
(3). 北京市自然科学基金:水稻倒伏高光谱响应机理解析与产量减损遥感估测,参与;
(4). 北京市百千万人才资助项目:倒伏胁迫下的玉米冠层辐射传输机理解析,参与;
(5). 国家重点研发计划:河北示范区麦玉生长监测诊断与精确栽培技术研究与集成,参与;
(6). 院创新能力建设专项:基于光谱诊断的京津冀冬小麦节水控肥精确栽培技术,参与;
Qian Sun, Liping Chen, Baoyuan Zhang, et al. Evaluation of Growth Recovery Grade in Lodging Maize via UAV-Based Hyperspectral Images.Journal of Remote Sensing. 2024, 4: 0253. (1区,IF:8.8)
Qian Sun, Xiaohe Gu, Liping Chen, et al. Hyperspectral estimation of maize (Zea mays L.) yield loss under lodging stress. Field Crops Research, 2023, 302:109042. (SCI 中科院1区top, IF:5.8)
Qian Sun, Liping Chen, Xiaohe Gu, et al. Estimation of Canopy Nitrogen Nutrient Status in Lodging Maize using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Hyperspectral Data. Ecological Informatics, 2023, 78: 102315. (SCI 中科院3区, IF:5.1)
Qian Sun, Liping Chen, Xiaobin Xu, et al. A new comprehensive index for monitoring maize lodging severity using UAV-based multi-spectral imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 202:107362. (SCI 中科院1区top, IF:8.3)
Qian Sun, Xiaohe Gu, Liping Chen, et al. Monitoring maize canopy chlorophyll density under lodging stress based on UAV hyperspectral imagery. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2022, 193: 106671. (SCI 中科院1区top, IF:8.3)
Qian Sun, Xiaohe Gu, Liping Chen, et al. Monitoring rice lodging grade via Sentinel-2A images based on change vector analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2022, 43: 1549-1576. (SCI 中科院3区, IF:3.531)
Qian Sun, Lin Sun, Meiyan Shu, et al. Monitoring Maize Lodging Grades via UAV Multispectral Image. Plant Phenomics, 2019. (SCI 中科院1区top, IF:6.961)
Qian Sun, Xiaohe Gu, Lin Sun, et al. Dynamic Change in Rice Leaf Area Index and Spectral Response under Flooding Stress. Paddy and Water Environment, 2019, 18(5). (SCI 中科院3区, IF:2.2)
孙乾, 顾晓鹤, 孙林, 等. 不同灌溉条件下冬小麦冠层含水量的光谱响应. 中国农业科学, 2019,52(14): 2425-2435.
孙乾, 顾晓鹤, 孙林, 等. 中国近十年SO2时空格局变化遥感监测. 环境科学与技术, 2019,42(7):154-160.
[1] 2020.9 to 2024.6
中国农业大学 | 农业电气化与自动化 | Doctoral degree | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study