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Wang Chengyin

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Other Post:扬州大学司法鉴定所所长

Paper Publications

Improving the sodium storage performance of carbonaceous anode: Synergistic coupling of pore structure and ordered domain engineering


Affiliation of Author(s):化学化工学院


Co-author:李子茜,唐绍聪,郝静静,王天奕,Wang Chengyin,潘丽坤

First Author:LJB

Correspondence Author:李家宝


Page Number:469-478

ISSN No.:0008-6223

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2023-01-01

Pre One:Sodium titanium phosphate nanocube decorated on tablet-like carbon for robust sodium storage performance at low temperature br

Next One:Electrocatalytic Generation of Cathodic Luminol Electrochemiluminescence with Carbonized Polydopamine Nanotubes at a Low Positive Potential