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Wang Chengyin
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Paper Publications
LHD,周晗,张甜,张志成,赵广月,Wang Chengyin.Electrocatalytic Generation of Cathodic Luminol Electrochemiluminescence with Carbonized Polydopamine Nanotubes at a Low Positive Potential.ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2022,10(31)10361-10368.
LHL,费承鑫,杨迪,谭川,姚航,Wang Chengyin,崇辉,Chen,ZY.Synthesis of carbon nitride quantum dots and biocompatibility evaluation using C. elegans as a model organism.MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2020,25
LJB,唐绍聪,李子茜,Wang Chengyin,黎晋良,李晓丹,丁子彪,潘丽坤.Crosslinking Nanoarchitectonics of Nitrogen-doped Carbon/MoS2 Nanosheets/Ti3C2Tx MXene Hybrids for Highly Reversible Sodium Storage.CHEMSUSCHEM,2021,14(23)5293-5303.
CJ,肖金坤,Wang Chengyin,张利军.Diffusion behavior of fcc and L1(2) Ni-Al-Cr alloys.VACUUM,2021,189
CJ,肖金坤,卢照,Wang Chengyin,张利军.Atomic mobilities and interdiffusivities in Ni-rich fcc Ni-Co-Cr and Ni-Al-Co-Cr systems evaluated using composition profiles and HitDIC.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2021,865
LHD,张甜,周晗,张志成,刘苗霞,Wang Chengyin.Enhanced Electrochemiluminescence in a Microwell Bipolar Electrode Array Prepared with an Optical Fiber Bundle.CHEMELECTROCHEM,2021,8(8)1473-1477.
LHD,张辰尧,王俊,崇辉,张甜,Wang Chengyin.Pristine Graphic Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots for the Visualized Detection of Latent Fingerprints.ANALYTICAL SCIENCES,2021,37(11)1497-.
Hou jianhua,屠欣悦,吴晓歌,沈明,王小治,Wang Chengyin,曹传宝,汪国秀.Remarkable cycling durability of lithium-sulfur batteries with interconnected mesoporous hollow carbon nanospheres as high sulfur content host.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2020,401
LHD,刘苗霞,邱茹晗,刘宗平,Wang Chengyin,汪国秀.Electrochemically assisted synthesis of poly(3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) fluorescent organic nanoparticles for sensing applications.NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY,2020,44(19)7823-7831.
LHL,费承鑫,杨迪,谭川,Wang Chengyin,崇辉,Chen,ZY.Synthesis of carbon nitride quantum dots and biocompatibility evaluation using C. elegans as a model organism.MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2020,25
CJ,肖金坤,卢照,Wang Chengyin,张利军.Atomic mobilities and interdiffusivities in Ni-rich fcc Ni-Co-Cr and Ni-Al-Co-Cr systems evaluated using composition profiles and HitDIC.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2021,865
CJ,肖金坤,Wang Chengyin,张利军.Diffusion behavior of fcc and L1(2) Ni-Al-Cr alloys.VACUUM,2021,189
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