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Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1988-10-09


Date of Employment:2015-07-09


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:文汇路生科院8号楼213


Contact Information:QQ:364409349

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:中国科学院过程工程研究所

Discipline:Other specialties in Bio-engineering



Date of Birth:1988-10-09


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Alma Mater:中国科学院过程工程研究所












Ø  研究生国家奖学金:汪旭

Ø  扬州大学优秀硕士毕业论文:汪旭

Ø  江苏省研究生“现代生物技术”学术创新论坛:杨坤晓(2022年,一等奖);焦宁(2023年,二等奖)

Ø  江苏省研究生实践创新计划:汪旭,田永婷,焦宁,吴圣洁,孙媛


Ø  扬州大学本科优秀毕业论文(设计):吴永(2017年),戴雨仁(2023年)

Ø  全国大学生生命科学竞赛一等奖:吴永,汪旭(2017年);陶慧慧,孙祥圣(2018年);戴雨仁,程晓(2023年)

Ø  全国大学生生命科学竞赛二等奖:缪婧(2019年);田永婷(2019年)

Ø  大学生实践创新项目:王蝶,戴雨仁(2021年,国家级);程晓(2023年,校重点)

Ø  多名学生先后考取或保送中国科学技术大学、中国科学院、苏州大学、南京师范大学、扬州大学等学校硕士/博士研究生


[1]   Jiao Ning, Cheng Xiao, Sun Yuan, Zhu Yu-Rong, Sun Zhong-Liang, Wang Shi-Kai*. Development of an efficient pretreatment process and multi-functional acetate co-metabolism strategy for the treatment of high strength biogas slurry using a newly isolated Chlorella sorokiniana. Chemical Engineering Journal 498 (2024) 155648.

[2]   Wu Sheng-Jie, Cheng Xiao, Xu Qin-Yun, Wang Shi-Kai*. Feasibility study on heterotrophic utilization of galactose by Chlorella sorokiniana and promotion of galactose utilization through mixed carbon sources culture. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 17 (2024)100.

[3]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Yang Kun-Xiao, Zhu Yu-Rong, Zhu Xin-Yu, Nie Da-Fang, Jiao Ning, Angelidaki Irini. One-step co-cultivation and flocculation of microalgae with filamentous fungi to valorize starch wastewater into high-value biomass. Bioresource Technology 361 (2022) 127625.

[4]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Tian Yong-Ting, Dai Yu-Ren, Wang Die, Liu Ke-Chun, Cui Yue-Hua. Development of an alternative medium via completely replaces the medium components by mixed wastewater and crude glycerol for efficient production of docosahexaenoic acid by Schizochytrium sp. Chemosphere 291 (2022) 132868.

[5]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Wang Xu, Tian Yong-Ting, Cui Yue-Hua. Nutrient recovery from tofu whey wastewater for the economical production of docosahexaenoic acid by Schizochytrium sp. S31. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 710, 136448.

[6]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Wang Xu, Tian Yong-Ting, Tao Hui-Hui, Sun Xiang-Sheng. Direct utilization of starch for heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa by co-culture with immobilized Saccharomycopsis fibuligera. Algal Research 2018, 33: 406–411.

[7]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Wang Xu, Miao Jing, Tian Yong-Ting. Tofu whey wastewater is a promising basal medium for microalgae culture. Bioresource Technology 2018, 253: 79–84.

[8]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Wang Xu, Tao Hui-Hui, Sun Xiang-Sheng, Tian Yong-Ting. Heterotrophic culture of Chlorella pyrenoidosa using sucrose as the sole carbon source by co-culture with immobilized yeast. Bioresource Technology 2018, 249: 425–430.

[9]   Wang Shi-Kai*, Wu Yong, Wang Xu. Heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella pyrenoidosa using sucrose as the sole carbon source by co-culture with Rhodotorula glutinis. Bioresource Technology 2016, 220: 615–620.

[10]   Wang Shi-Kai, Stiles Amanda, Guo Chen, Liu Chun-Zhao. Harvesting microalgae by magnetic separation: A review. Algal Research 2015, 9:178-185.

[11]  Wang Shi-Kai, Wang Feng, Hu Yi-Ru, Stiles Amanda, Guo Chen, Liu Chun-Zhao. Magnetic flocculant for high efficiency harvesting of microalgal cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6: 109 – 115.

[12]    Wang Shi-Kai, Hu Yi-Ru, Wang Feng, Stiles Amanda, Liu Chun-Zhao. Scale-up cultivation of Chlorella ellipsoidea from indoor to outdoor in bubble column bioreactors. Bioresource Technology 2014, 156: 117 – 122.

[13]    Wang Shi-Kai, Wang Feng, Stiles Amanda, Guo Chen, Liu Chun-Zhao. Botryococcus braunii cells: ultrasound-intensified outdoor cultivation integrated with in situ magnetic separation. Bioresource Technology 2014, 167: 376–382.





 4王仕楷,焦宁,赵青,孙媛,一种沼液脱色降浊培养微藻耦合腐殖酸生产工艺。专利号:2023114510140 申请日:2023113

5王仕楷,焦宁,孙媛,赵青,许沁芸,一种通过乙酸盐共代谢提高微藻处理氨氮废水效率的方法。专利号:2024101680275 申请日:202426

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience

[1]  2006.9 to 2010.6
陕西科技大学  | 生物工程
[2]  2010.9 to 2015.7
中国科学院过程工程研究所  | 生物化工  | Doctoral Degree in Engineering  | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

[1]   2019.9  to  2020.9
丹麦技术大学  | 访问学者