Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Birth:1986-03-06
Date of Employment:2017-06-28
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
Professional Title:中级
Alma Mater:复旦大学
[1] 2005.9 to 2009.7
陕西师范大学 | 哲学 | Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy | University graduated
[2] 2009.9 to 2012.6
中国人民大学 | 马克思主义哲学 | Master's Degree in Philosophy | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
[3] 2012.9 to 2017.6
复旦大学 | 外国哲学 | Doctoral Degree in Philosophy | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study