JING XU   中级

Jing Xu, Collaborative pianist, had her debut at six years old, a piano faculty at Yangzhou University College of Music in China where she has been working from 2001. She is also a DMA candidate studying under Dr. Puccinelli and Dr. Harlos in College of Music at University of North Texas (UNT). Meanwhile, she worked at Richland College in Dallas as a staff-pianist in 2019. She has performed...Detials

古典音乐恒久远 人文精神永流传 ——第十六届范?克莱本国际钢琴大赛观后感

Release time:2022-11-19  Hits:

  • Affiliation of Author(s):音乐学院
  • Journal:钢琴艺术
  • First Author:JING XU
  • Translation or Not:no
  • Date of Publication:2022-01-01