JING XU   中级

Jing Xu, Collaborative pianist, had her debut at six years old, a piano faculty at Yangzhou University College of Music in China where she has been working from 2001. She is also a DMA candidate studying under Dr. Puccinelli and Dr. Harlos in College of Music at University of North Texas (UNT). Meanwhile, she worked at Richland College in Dallas as a staff-pianist in 2019. She has performed...Detials

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Collaborative Piano

钢琴艺术指导(Collaborative Piano)专业融钢琴演奏、伴奏、作品分析、乐队指导以及舞台表演等为一体,专门培养具有较强团队协作能力的音乐表演艺术家。钢琴艺术指导,不仅要具备高超的演奏技能,还必须具备敏锐的感知能力和丰富的想象力以及对多国语言的解读能力,而不是只会照谱弹奏的表演者。