
正高级 博士生导师 硕士生导师







环境工程工学博士,教授,博导,注册碳核算师。美国加州大学洛杉矶分校联合培养博士(CSC公派),日本九州大学访问学者(CSC公派)。校中青年学术带头人,校新医科交叉创新团队联合PI,江苏省女科协理事。入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家” 2024榜单。主持国家自然科学基金2项、江苏省自然科学基金2项扬州市环保课题1项,参与国家级省级课题数项。以第一或通讯作者发表研究性论文50余篇,申请发明专利10余项,转让发明专利2项。



Ya Zhang, professor in the Institute of Technology for Carbon Neutralization, School of Environmental Science of Technology, Yangzhou University (YZU). She received her PhD in the School of Environment, Nanjing University in 2012. She visited the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) as a joint PhD student during 2009 to 2011. She also visited Kyushu University (KU, Japan) as a visiting professor during 2018 to 2019. Her research interests are environmental catalysis and pollution control, CO2 conversion to fuels and valuable chemicals, and surface/interface engineering. More than 70 peer reviewed papers and one co-authored book (“Nanostructured Conductive Polymers”, Wiley, 2010) have been published. More than 30 graduate and undergraduate students have been graduated in her group. World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2024.


1. 双碳战略研究与咨询(碳核算与管理、碳足迹、碳交易、碳汇开发、全面绿色转型规划等)

2. 环境催化(光电/电解水制氢、二氧化碳资源化转化、水/气污染物催化转化)

3. 环境材料与纳米生物学(纳米材料抑菌、耐药机制及防治)


1. C.X. Li, L.J. Wang, Q. Dai, Y. Chong, S. Utsunomiya, H.G. Wang*, Y. Zhang*, J. Han*, Chiral pesticide permethrin promotes the antibiotic resistance genes dissemination by transformation: Different chiral isomers engage in distinct regulatory pathways, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 488, 137416.

2. Z. Tang, C.X. Li, C.Y. Yan, Q. Zhang, Z. Piao, H.G. Wang*, Y. Zhang*, Ag nanoparticles induced abundant Cuδ+ sites in Cu2Se nanoflower rods to promote efficient carbon dioxide electroreduction to ethanol, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2025, 679, 5059.

3. Z. Tang , Y. Wang , W. Qian , Z. Piao , H.G. Wang*, Y. Zhang*, Two-way rushing travel: Cathodic-anodic coupling of Bi2O3-SnO@CuO nanowires, a bifunctional catalyst with excellent CO2RR and MOR performance for the efficient production of formate, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2023, 652, 1653–1664.

4. L. Hu, J.M. Wang, H.G. Wang, Y. Zhang,* J. Han*, Gold-Promoted Electrodeposition of Metal Sulfides on Silicon Nanowire Photocathodes To Enhance Solar-Driven Hydrogen Evolution, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 15449−15457.

5. Y. Zhang, L. Hu, Y. Zhang*, X. Wang*, H. Wang*, Snowflake-Like Cu2S/MoS2/Pt heterostructure with near infrared photothermal-enhanced electrocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic hydrogen production, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 315, 121540.

6. H.G. Wang; X.H. Li; Q.F. Ge; Y. Chong; Y. Zhang*, A multifunctional Fe2O3@MoS2@SDS Z-scheme nanocomposite: NIR enhanced bacterial inactivation, degradation antibiotics and inhibiting ARGs dissemination, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 219, 112833.

7. Y. Zhang, H. Zhou, H. Wang, Y. Zhang*, D. D. Dionysiou, Synergistic effect of reduced graphene oxide and near-infrared light on MoS2-mediated electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Chemical Engineering Journal2021, 418, 129343.

8. H.G. Wang, H.C. Qi, S.J. Gong, Z.H. Huang, C. Meng, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, X.A. Jiao*, Fe3O4 composited with MoS2 blocks horizontal gene transfer, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020185,110569.

9. H.G. Wang, H.C. Qi, M. Zhu, S.J. Gong, Z.H. Huang, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, X.A. Jiao*, MoS2 decorated nanocomposite: Fe2O3@MoS2 inhibits the conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 186, 109781.

10. Y. Zhang, Z. Zhou, F. Wen, J. Tan, T. Peng, B. Luo, H. Wang*, S. Yin,  A flower-like MoS2-decorated MgFe2O4 nanocomposite: Mimicking peroxidase and colorimetric detection of H2O2 and glucose, Sensors and Actuators B, 2018275, 155162.

11. H.G. Wang, F. Wen, Y. Chen, T. Sun, Y. Meng, Y. Zhang*,  Electrocatalytic determination of nitrite based on straw cellulose/molybdenum sulfide nanocomposite, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 201685, 692–697.

12. H.G. Wang, P. Chen, F. Wen, Y. Zhu, Y. Zhang*, Flower-like Fe2O3@MoS2 nanocomposite decorated glassy carbonelectrode for the determination of nitrite, Sensors and Actuators B, 2015220, 749754.

13. Y. Zhang*, S. Yuan, Y. Zhao, H. Wang, C. He*, Synthesis of novel yttrium-doped graphene oxide nanocomposite for dye removal, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 20142, 78977903.

14. Y. Zhang, Q. Li, L. Sun, R. Tang, J. Zhai*, High efficient removal of mercury from aqueous solution by polyaniline/humic acid nanocomposite, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010175, 404409.

15. Y. Zhang, Q. Li, R. Tang, Q. Hu, L. Sun, J. Zhai*, Electrocatalytic reduction of chromium by poly(aniline-co-o-aminophenol): an efficient and recyclable way to remove Cr(VI) in wastewater, Applied Catalysis B, Environmental2009, 92, 351356.



[1] 南京大学 | 环境工程 | 博士研究生毕业 | 博士



