
Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Employment:2003-06-01

School/Department:Yangzhou University

Administrative Position:professor

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:N111, New Chemistry Building, Yangzhou University, No.180 Siwangting Road, Yangzhou City

Contact Information:zhangyc@yzu.edu.cn


Professional Title:副高级


Alma Mater:Beijing University of Technology

Inorganic Chemistry

Honors and Titles:
2018-07-15 elected:The most popular class teacher in Yangzhou University ;
2023-08-01 elected:The most popular class teacher in Yangzhou University ;
2022-07-01 elected:Excellent undergraduate thesis advisor of Yangzhou University ;
2014-07-01 elected:Excellent graduate thesis advisor of Yangzhou University ;
2008-07-01 elected:Excellent undergraduate thesis advisor of Yangzhou University 


张永才,博士,副教授,研究生导师,研究方向为光催化、光芬顿/类芬顿催化、光热催化、光电催化和电池材料;已获得授权发明专利6项,发表SCIE收录论文200余篇,论文被引用10900余次,h指数为57,连续入选Elsevier发布的世界Top 2%顶尖科学家榜单,获得Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.Excellence in Review Awards 2024担任《Journal of Photocatalysis》的共同主编,《Materials Letters》、《Sustainable Chemistry One World》、《Journal of Composites ScienceJournal of Metals, Materials and Minerals等期刊的编委。

Educational Experience

No content

Work Experience

[1] 2003.6 to Now

Yangzhou University | School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Yangzhou | associate professor | on the job

  • Research Focus
  • Social Affiliations

[1] Nanomaterials, photocatalysis, photofenton catalysis, chemical synthesis

[1] 2024.12 to Now

Editorial board member of Explora: Environment and Resource

[2] 2024.7 to Now

Editorial board member of Sustainable Chemistry One World

[3] 2024.5 to Now

Associate Editorial Board of Materials Letters

[4] 2024.1 to Now

Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Photocatalysis

[5] 2024.6 to Now

Editorial board member of Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals (JMMM

[6] 2023.12 to Now

Editorial board member of Journal of Composites Science

[7] 2017.8 to 2018.8


[8] 2014.8 to 2015.8

江苏省第七批科技镇长 (如皋市)

Research Group

Name of Research Group:Laboratory of Photocatalysis, Yangzhou University

Description of Research Group:

Development of photocatalysts for environmental purification.