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Paper Publications
ZHH,蒋媛媛,胡永峰,MacLennan,王辉,Wang Chengyin.Effect of pyrite in precursor on capacitance behavior of prepared activated carbon.Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research,2014,53(24)10125-10132.
ZHH,顾江娜,蒋媛媛,王亚琼,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Calcination removing soft template cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and its effects on capacitance performance of supercapacitor electrode MnO2.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,86605-613.
ZHH,蒋媛媛,顾江娜,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Effect of Organic Sulfide in Precursors on the Pore Structure of High-Surface Area Activated Carbons.Chemical Engineering and Technology,2014,37(2)325-331.
ZHH,顾江娜,蒋媛媛,王亚琼,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Calcination removing soft template cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide and its effects on capacitance performance of supercapacitor electrode MnO2.Energy Conversion and Management,2014,86605-613.
ZHH,顾江娜,蒋媛媛,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on the electrochemical behavior of supercapacitor electrode MnO2.Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,2014,18(1)235-247.
ZHH,蒋媛媛,陈凯,胡永峰,王晖,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Relationship between Pyrite in the Precursor and the Pore Structure of High-Surface Area Activated Carbon Preparations.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2015,38(1)85-90.
ZHH,顾江娜,童杰,马驰,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethyl oxide) enhancing capacitance behavior of composite electrode material poly(o-phenylenediamine)/manganese dioxide for supercapacitor.ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2015,91120-131.
ZHH,蒋媛媛,胡永峰,Maclennan,王辉,Wang Chengyin.Effect of Pyrite in Precursor on Capacitance Behavior of Prepared Activated Carbon.INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2014,53(24)10125-10132.
ZHH,蒋媛媛,顾江娜,赵静,张小兴,Wang Chengyin.Effect of Organic Sulfide in Precursors on the Pore Structure of High-Surface Area Activated Carbons.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,2014,37(2)325-331.
ZHH,马驰,童杰,胡永峰,赵静,胡斌,Wang Chengyin.Effect of potassium sulfate in mineral precursor on capacitance behavior of as-prepared activated carbon.FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2016,142235-241.
ZHH,顾江娜,童杰,胡永峰,管兵,胡斌,赵静,Wang Chengyin.Hierarchical porous MnO2/CeO2 with high performance for supercapacitor electrodes.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016,286139-149.
ZHH,王雅琼,刘长威,江海涛.Influence of surfactant CTAB on the electrochemical performance of manganese dioxide used as supercapacitor electrode material.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 卷,2012,1-8.
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