- ZJM,Song AG,Zhang TP,Yang YQ.Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Delayed High Order Nonlinear Systems.International Journal of Automation and Computing,2012,VOL.9 NO.2191-199.
- ZJM,张天平,杨月全.Backstepping based fuzzy control for delayed nonlinear systems.Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011,2011,2889-2894.
- ZJM,张天平,杨月全.New results on adaptive neural control of a class of nonlinear systems with uncertain input delay.NEUROCOMPUTING 卷,2012,22-30.
- ZJM,宋爱国,费树岷,杨月全,盛朗.一类非线性时滞系统的自适应动态面控制.控制理论与应用,2014,30(11)1437-1444.
- ZJM,余星火,宋爱国,费树岷,曹志强,杨月全.Stability probability in sliding mode control of second order Markovian jump systems.26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2014,2014,2453-2458.
- ZJM,李祥健,徐婷宜.基于改进的双水平集的MRI图像快速分割方法.无线电通信技术,2020,46(3)345-350.
- ZJM,张天平,姚翔,丁伟,孙权.Adaptive Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Delayed Systems.2010 ISECS International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management,2010,212-15.
- ZJM,张天平,费树岷,姚翔.Adaptive fuzzy logic control for a class of input delay nonlinear systems.Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, CCC'10,2010,2547-2552.
- ZJM,张天平,费树岷.Adaptive tracking control for input delayed MIMO nonlinear systems.Neurocomputing,2010,74(1-3)472-480.
- ZJM,自动化专业C程序设计课程教学方法探讨.扬州大学学报,2011,1434-38.