Two-Dimensional Unilamellar Cation-Deficient Metal Oxide Nanosheet Superlattices for High-Rate Sodium Ion Energy Storage
Date:2021-10-16 clicks:
DOI number:10.1021/acsnano.8b06206
Affiliation of Author(s):物理科学与技术学院
Journal:ACS Nano
Co-author: Zhang,Yi, Ding, Jinqiang, Sun, Bing, Tian, Huajun, Shanmukaraj, Devaraj, Rojo, Teofilo, Armand, Michel,
First Author:Xiong, Pan, Xiuyun, Zhang, Fan
Indexed by:Unit Twenty Basic Research
Page Number:12337-12346
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-12-01