臧俞   中级

臧俞,男,1989年7月生,博士,讲师,扬州大学海内外优秀博士(B),扬州市“绿扬金凤”计划优秀博士。主要从事奶牛蛋白质和氨基酸的利用、奶牛温室气体减排、基于代谢组学和脂类组学分析胆碱的利用与代谢、农副产品资源开发和利用、肉羊低氮日粮等方面的研发工作。以第一作者,在行业TOP期刊Journal of Dairy Science发表论文8篇,在Applied Animal Science发表论文1篇。担任Journal of Dairy Science、JDS Communications、Jour...Detials

12. Zang, Y., L. H. P. Silva, Y. C. Geng, M. J. Lange, M. Miura, M. A. Zambom, and A. F. Brito (2023). Replacing ground corn with soyhulls plus palmitic acid in low metabolizable protein diets supplemented or not with rumen protected amino acids: Effects on production performance and nutrient utilization in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science

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