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Paper Publications

Strong Oxidation Induced Quinone-rich Dopamine Polymerization onto Porous Carbons as Ultrahigh-Capacity Organic Cathode for Sodium-Ion Batteries


Impact Factor:20.4

DOI number:10.1016/j.ensm.2021.08.043

Journal:Energy Storage Materials

Indexed by:Research Atricle

Document Type:Research Atricle


Page Number:120-129

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2021-09-03

Included Journals:SCI

Links to published journals:


Pre One:“Trapping-Interception-Conversion” Strategy Based on Mott-Schottky Heterogeneous Interlayer for Li-S Batteries with High Stability and Commercial Sulfur Utilization

Next One:Polarity-induced precipitation of S/Li2S confined into N and S co-doped porous graphene layered matrix for lithium sulfur batteries