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个人简介Personal Profile
孙名安,教授,博士生导师,江苏“特聘教授”。长期从事转录组、表观组和生物信息学相关研究,在内源性逆转录病毒和表观遗传修饰相关领域取得了一系列成果,以第一/通讯作者在Science Advances (2024)、PNAS(2018)、Genome Research(2014, 2023)、Nucleic Acids Research(2023X2;2024)、Mol Biol Evol(2021)等经典期刊发表SCI论文十余篇,此外有多项合作成果发表在Cell、Science等顶刊,引用累计超过2500次。受邀担任Nature Aging、Nature Comm.、 PNAS、 Genome Biol、Mol Biol Evol、Nucleic Acids Res等经典期刊审稿人,国自然面上项目和英国Wellcome基金评审专家。主持国自然面上项目、青年项目、科技部外专项目和多项省级课题。
Li Y#, Lyu R#, Chen S, Wang Y, Sun MA*. (2024) TEENA: an integrated web server for transposable element enrichment analysis in various model and non-model organisms. Nucleic Acids Res, W126-W131. (IF=16.6)
Brown JL, Zhang L, Rocha PP, Kassis JA*, Sun MA*. (2024). Polycomb protein binding and looping in the ON transcriptional state. Sci Adv 10, eadn1837. (IF=11.7)
Du C, Jiang J, Li Y, Yu M, Jin J, Chen S, Fan H, Macfarlan TS, Cao B*, Sun MA*. (2023). Regulation of endogenous retrovirus-derived regulatory elements by GATA2/3 and MSX2 in human trophoblast stem cells. Genome Res 33, 197-207. (IF=7)
Yu M, Hu XQ, Pan ZH, Du C, Jiang J, Zheng WS, Cai H, Wang YA, Deng WB, Wang HB, Lu JH, Sun MA*, Cao B*. (2023). Endogenous retrovirus-derived enhancers confer the transcriptional regulation of human trophoblast syncytialization. Nucleic Acids Res 51, 4745-4759. (IF=14.9)
Erokhin M, Brown JL, Lomaev D, Vorobyeva NE, Zhang L, Fab LV, Mazina MY, Kulakovskiy IV, Ziganshin RH, Schedl P, Georgiev P, Sun MA*, Kassis JA*, Chetverina D*. (2023). Crol contributes to PRE-mediated repression and Polycomb group proteins recruitment in Drosophila. Nucleic Acids Res 51, 6087-6100. (IF=14.9)
Sun MA*, Wolf G, Wang Y, Senft AD, Ralls S, Jin J, Dunn-Fletcher CE, Muglia LJ, Macfarlan TS*. (2021). Endogenous Retroviruses Drive Lineage-Specific Regulatory Evolution across Primate and Rodent Placentae. Mol Biol Evol 38, 4992-5004. (IF=16.2)
Brown JL#, Sun MA#, Kassis JA*. (2018). Global changes of H3K27me3 domains and Polycomb group protein distribution in the absence of recruiters Spps or Pho. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, E1839-E1848. (IF=9.5)
Zhao# L, Sun MA#, Li Z#, Bai X, Yu M, Wang M, Liang L, Shao X, Arnovitz S, Wang Q, He C, Lu X*, Chen J*, Xie H*. (2014). The dynamics of DNA methylation fidelity during mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. Genome Res 24, 1296-1307. (IF=14.4)
Zheng W, Zhang Y, Xu P, Wang Z, Shao X, Chen C, Cai H, Wang Y, Sun MA, Deng W, et al. (2024). TFEB safeguards trophoblast syncytialization in humans and mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 121, e2404062121.
Li Y, Fan H, Qin W, Wang Y, Chen S, Bao W, Sun MA*. (2023). Regulation of the three-dimensional chromatin organization by transposable elements in pig spleen. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 21, 4580-4588.
Zhang L, Jin J, Qin W, Jiang J, Bao W, Sun MA*. (2023). Inhibition of EZH2 Causes Retrotransposon Derepression and Immune Activation in Porcine Lung Alveolar Macrophages. Int J Mol Sci 24, 2394.
Wolf G, de Iaco A, Sun MA, Bruno M, Tinkham M, Hoang D, Mitra A, Ralls S, Trono D, Macfarlan TS. (2020). KRAB-zinc finger protein gene expansion in response to active retrotransposons in the murine lineage. Elife 9.
Chen C, Sun MA, Warzecha C, Bachu M, Dey A, Wu T, Adams PD, Macfarlan T, Love P, Ozato K. (2020). HIRA, a DiGeorge Syndrome Candidate Gene, Confers Proper Chromatin Accessibility on HSCs and Supports All Stages of Hematopoiesis. Cell Rep 30, 2136-2149 e2134.
Sun Z, Xu X, He J, Murray A, Sun MA, et al. (2019). EGR1 recruits TET1 to shape the brain methylome during development and upon neuronal activity. Nat Commun 10, 3892.
De S, Cheng Y, Sun MA, Gehred ND, Kassis JA. (2019). Structure and function of an ectopic Polycomb chromatin domain. Sci Adv 5, eaau9739.
Huang Y, Mao K, Chen X, Sun MA, et al. (2018). S1P-dependent interorgan trafficking of group 2 innate lymphoid cells supports host defense. Science 359, 114-119.
Patel A, Yang P, Tinkham M, Pradhan M, Sun MA, et al. (2018). DNA Conformation Induces Adaptable Binding by Tandem Zinc Finger Proteins. Cell 173, 221-233 e212.
Dunn-Fletcher CE, Muglia LM, Pavlicev M, Wolf G, Sun MA, et al. (2018). Anthropoid primate-specific retroviral element THE1B controls expression of CRH in placenta and alters gestation length. PLoS Biol 16, e2006337.
Yang P, Wang Y, Hoang D, Tinkham M, Patel A, Sun MA, et al. (2017). A placental growth factor is silenced in mouse embryos by the zinc finger protein ZFP568. Science 356, 757-759.
Taylor S, Huang Y, Mallett G, Stathopoulou C, Felizardo TC, Sun MA, et al. (2017). PD-1 regulates KLRG1(+) group 2 innate lymphoid cells. J Exp Med 214, 1663-1678.
Sun MA, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Xia Y, Ge W, Guo D. (2017). Prediction of reversible disulfide based on features from local structural signatures. BMC Genomics 18, 279.
Sun MA, Zhang Q, Wang Y, Ge W, Guo D. (2016). Prediction of redox-sensitive cysteines using sequential distance and other sequence-based features. BMC Bioinformatics 17, 316.
Sharif J, Endo TA, Nakayama M, Karimi MM, Shimada M, Katsuyama K, Goyal P, Brind'Amour J, Sun MA, et al. (2016). Activation of Endogenous Retroviruses in Dnmt1(-/-) ESCs Involves Disruption of SETDB1-Mediated Repression by NP95 Binding to Hemimethylated DNA. Cell Stem Cell 19, 81-94.
Sun MA, Wang Y, Cheng H, Zhang Q, Ge W, Guo D. (2012). RedoxDB--a curated database for experimentally verified protein oxidative modification. Bioinformatics 28, 2551-2552.