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个人简介Personal Profile
2000年毕业于山东莱阳农学院(现青岛农业大学),获农学学士学位;2003年6月毕业于扬州大学作物遗传育种专业,获农学硕士并留校任教。2008年6月毕业于扬州大学作物遗传育种专业,获农学博士学位。2009年和2014年先后2次赴美国East Carolina大学开展博士后和访问学者研究。
从事水稻等农作物优异基因资源的挖掘及分子进化的研究工作。主持国家重点研发计划国际合作专项、国家自然科学基金、973项目子课题、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省重点研发计划项目、江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目等多项研究工作;在Nature Communications、Trends in Plant Science、Biotechnology Advances、Genome Biology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal等刊物发表SCI论文90多篇;授权发明专利3项;曾获得教育部自然科学二等奖1项(2012,第5)、江苏省高校科技进步二等奖(2021,排名1)、扬州市科技进步奖一等奖(2018,排名1)、扬州大学佰亿科技奖自然科学一等奖(2016,唯一)等。
主要研究进展包括:(1)分离并克隆了OsGluA2、OsCOMT、SLG7、RGG2、GSE9等多个产量和品质性状相关基因,为主要农作物产量、品质性状遗传改良的分子设计育种提供了有利基因;(2)阐明了HGT和de novo等对水稻等主要农作物的维管束发育、抗病、抗逆等性状的起源和演化方面具有重要意义;(3)开发了动态性状遗传解析和全基因组选择(GS)育种新方法,基于GS选育出平衡高产、优质、抗病的水稻新品系。
主要学术兼职:青岛农业大学客座教授、江苏省遗传学会理事、SCI期刊Frontiers in Genetics和Agronomy编辑(associate editor)等。
90. Lu Y, Zuo Z, Yang Z*: Toward breeding pigmented rice balancing nutrition and yield. Trends in Plant Science, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2023.11.018. (IF: 20.5)
89. Lu Y, Gharib A, Chen R, Wang H, Tao T, Zuo Z, Bu Q, Su Y, Li Y, Luo Y, El-Mowafi H, Wang Z, Huang Q, Wang S, Xu Y, Li P, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Rice melatonin deficiency causes premature leaf senescence via DNA methylation regulation. Crop Journal. 2024, doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2024.04.004
88. Gao Y, Liu C, Wang J, Liu X, Zhang X, Zhou J, Li X, Wang Y, Dong G, Huang J, Liang G, Yang Z*, Zhou Y*, Yao Y*. Modified TAL expression in rice plant regulates yield components and grain quality in a N-rate dependent manner. Field Crops Research, 2024, 306: 109219.
87. Li P, Yin S, Wang Y, Zhu T, Zhu X, Ji M, Rui W, Wang H, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Dynamics and genetic regulation of macronutrient concentrations during grain development in maize. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2024, 23(3): 781-794
86. Gharib A, Su Y, Zuo Z, Chen R, Wang H, Tao T, Chuan M, Bu Q, Luo Y, Li Y, Wang S, Hua Y, Ji Y, Ding J, Liu W, He S, Li P, Xu Y, Xu C, Lu Y*, Yang Z*. Melatonin enhances metal oxide nanoparticles tolerance in rice seedlings through dual regulation of antioxidant defense and photosynthetic efficiency. Physiologia Plantarum 2024, 176(6): e70020.
85. Gao Y, Zhao X, Liu X, Liu C, Zhang K, Zhang X, Zhou J, Dong G, Wang Y, Huang J, Yang Z*, Zhou Y*, Yao Y*. OsRAV1 Regulates Seed Vigor and Salt Tolerance During Germination in Rice. Rice 2024, 17(1):56.
84. Xu Y, Zhang Y, Cui Y, Zhou K, Yu G, Yang W, Wang X, Li F, Guan X, Zhang X, Yang Z, Xu S, Xu C*: GA-GBLUP: leveraging the genetic algorithm to improve the predictability of genomic selection. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2024, 25(5): bbae385.
83. Liu X, Tang S, Gao Y, Zhang X, Dong G, Zhou J, Zhou Y, Yang Z, Huang J, Yao Y: Rice Reference Genes: redefining reference genes in rice by mining RNA-seq datasets. Plant and Cell Physiology 2024, 66(1): 120-132
82. Li P, Zhu T, Wang Y, Yin S, Zhu X, Ji M, Rui W, Wang H, Yang Z, Xu C: Combining QTL Mapping and Multi-Omics Identify Candidate Genes for Nutritional Quality Traits during Grain Filling Stage in Maize. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2024, 93(7):1441-1453.
81. Xu S, Wang S, Wang Z, Lu Y, Tao T, Huang Q, Lu Z, Wang H, Su Y, Gharib A, Zhou Y, Li P, Chen R*, Yang Z*. Integrative analyses of transcriptome, microRNA-seq and metabolome reveal insights into exogenous melatonin-mediated salt tolerance during seed germination of maize. Plant Growth Regulation, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-024-01138-w
80. Liu X, Gao Y, Li R, Zhang X, Dong G, Zhou J, Zhou Y, Yang Z, Huang J*, Dai Q*, Yao Y*. Transcriptomic analysis of salt-tolerant and sensitive high-yield japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) reveals complicated salt-tolerant mechanisms. Physiologia Plantarum, 2024, 176(2): e14275-e14275.
79. Chen R#, Xiao N#, Lu Y#, Tao T, Huang Q, Wang S, Wang Z, Chuan M, Bu Q, Lu Z, Wang H, Su Y, Ji Y, Ding J, Gharib A, Liu H, Zhou Y, Tang S, Liang G, Zhang H, Yi C, Zheng X, Cheng Z, Xu Y, Li P, Xu C*, Huang J*, Li A*, Yang Z*. A de novo evolved gene contributes to rice grain shape difference between indica and japonica. Nature Communications. 2023, 14(1): 5906. (IF: 16.6)
78. Xiao N, Wu Y, Zhang X, Hao Z, Chen Z, Yang Z, Cai Y, Wang R, Yu L, Wang Z, Lu Y, Shi W, Pan C, Li Y, Zhou C, Liu J, Huang N, Liu G, Ji H, Zhu S, Fang S, Ning Y, Li A. Pijx confers broad-spectrum seedling and panicle blast resistance by promoting the degradation of ATP β subunit and OsRbohC-mediated ROS burst in rice. Molecular Plant. 2023, 16(11):1832-1846. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2023.10.001.
77. Li Q, Yang T, Rui W, Wang H, Wang Y, Yang Z, Xu C, Li P*. Genetic Diversification of Starch Branching Enzymes during Maize Domestication and Improvement. Genes. 2023, 14(5): 1068.
76. Tan W#, Miao J#, Xu B, Zhou C, Wang Y, Gu X, Liang S, Wang B, Chen C, Zhu J, Zuo S, Yang Z, Gong Z, You A, Wu S*, Liang G*, Zhou Y*. Rapid production of novel beneficial alleles for improving rice appearance quality by targeting a regulatory element of SLG7. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2023, 21(7): 1305-1307. (IF: 13.8)
75. Chen R#, Lu Y#, Zhang E#, Chen Z, Huangfu L, Zuo Z, Zhao Y, Zhu M, Zhang Z, Chuan M, Bu Q, Huang Q, Wang H, Xu Y, Li P, Yao Y, Zhou Y, Xu C*, Yang Z*. The plant streptolysin S (SLS)-associated gene B confers nitroaromatic tolerance and detoxification. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 433: 128779. (IF: 14.224)
74. Huangfu L#, Chen R#, Lu Y#, Zhang E, Miao J, Zuo Z, Zhao Y, Zhu M, Zhang Z, Li P, Xu Y, Yao Y, Liang G, Xu C*, Zhou Y*, Yang Z*. OsCOMT, encoding a caffeic acid O-methyltransferase in melatonin biosynthesis, increases rice grain yield through dual regulation of leaf senescence and vascular development. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2022, 20(6): 1122-1139. (IF: 13.263,ESI高被引论文)
73. Zhu M, Lu Y, Chen R, Tao T, Zhang Z, Zuo Z, Ji Y, Zhang E, Hao D, Li P, Xu Y, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Nucleotide polymorphisms of the maize ZmCWINV3 gene and their association with ear-related traits. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2022, 69: 2115-2124
72. Xu S, Tang X, Zhang X, Wang H, Ji W, Xu C, Yang Z*, Li P*. Genome-wide association study identifies novel candidate loci or genes affecting stalk strength in maize. Crop Journal. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.04.016
71. Lu Y, Chuan M, Wang H, Chen R, Tao T, Zhou Y, Xu Y, Li P, Yao Y, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Genetic and molecular factors in determining grain number per panicle of rice. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13: 964246.
70. Tao T, Huang Q, Zuo Z, Lu Y, Su X, Xu Y, Li P, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Nucleotide polymorphisms of the maize ZmFWL7 gene and their association with ear-related traits. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022, 13: 960529.
69. Xiao N#, Pan C#, Li Y#, Wu Y, Cai Y, Lu Y, Wang R, Yu L, Shi W, Kang H, Zhu Z, Huang N, Zhang X, Chen Z, Liu J, Yang Z*, Ning Y*, Li A*. Genomic insight into balancing high yield, good quality, and blast resistance of japonica rice. Genome Biology. 2021, 10.1186/s13059-021-02488-8. (IF: 17.906)
68. Chen R, Huangfu L, Lu Y, Fang H, Xu Y, Li P, Zhou Y, Xu C*, Huang J*, Yang Z*. Adaptive innovation of green plants by horizontal gene transfer. Biotechnology Advances. 2021, 46:107671. (IF: 17.681)
67. Li P, Yang X, Wang H, Pan T, Wang Y, Xu Y, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Genetic control of root plasticity in response to salt stress in maize. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2021, 134(5): 1475-1492. (IF: 5.574)
66. Li P, Yang X, Wang H, Pan T, Yang J, Wang Y, Xu Y, Yang Z*, Xu C*. Metabolic responses to combined water deficit and salt stress in maize primary roots. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2021, 20(1): 109–119
65. Wang H, Tang X, Yang X, Fan Y, Xu Y, Li P, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Exploiting natural variation in crown root traits via genome-wide association studies in maize. BMC Plant Biology. 2021 Jul 23;21(1):346.
64. Huangfu L#, Zhang Z#, Zhou Y, Zhang E, Chen R, Fang H, Li P, Xu Y, Yao Y, Zhu M, Yin S, Xu C*, Lu Y*, Yang Z*. Integrated physiological, metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses provide insights into the roles of exogenous melatonin in promoting rice seed germination under salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation. 2021, 95: 19-31
63. Xu Y, Ma Y, Wang X, Li C, Zhang X, Li P, Yang Z, Xu C*. Kernel metabolites depict the diversity of relationship between maize hybrids and their parental lines. Crop Journal. 2021, 9(1): 181-191
62. Xu Y, Zhao Y, Wang X, Ma Y, Li P, Yang Z, Zhang X, Xu C*, Xu S*. Incorporation of parental phenotypic data into multi-omic models improves prediction of yield-related traits in hybrid rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19(2):261-272.
61. Wang Y, Sun H, Wang H, Yang X, Xu Y, Yang Z, Xu C*, Li P*. Integrating transcriptome, co-expression and QTL-seq reveal metabolism of flavonoids and auxin associated with the primary root development in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2021, 2021 Jun 22;72(13):4773-4795.
60. Wang H, Sun H, Xia H, Wu T, Li P, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Natural Variation and Domestication Selection of ZmCKX5 with Root Morphological Traits at the Seedling Stage in Maize. Plants. 2020, 22;10(1):1.
59. Miao J, Li X, Li X, Tan W, You A, Wu S, Tao Y, Chen C, Wang J, Zhang D, Gong Z, Yi C, Yang Z, Gu M, Liang G*, Zhou Y*. OsPP2C09, a negative regulatory factor in abscisic acid signalling, plays an essential role in balancing plant growth and drought tolerance in rice. New Phytologist. 2020, 227(5):1417-1433.
58. Qin Y, Bai S, Li W, Sun T, Galbraith DW, Yang Z, Zhou Y, Sun G, Wang B. Transcriptome analysis reveals key genes involved in the regulation of nicotine biosynthesis at early time points after topping in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). BMC Plant Biology. 2020, 20(1):30.
57. Yang Y, Guo M, Sun S, Zou Y, Yin S, Liu Y, Tang S, Gu M, Yang Z*, Yan C*. Natural variation of OsGluA2 is involved in grain protein content regulation in rice. Nature Communications. 2019, 26;10(1): 1949. (IF: 17.694)
56. Yin S, Li P, Xu Y, Liu J, Yang T, Wei J, Xu S, Yu J, Fang H, Xue L, Hao D, Yang Z*, Xu C*. Genetic and genomic analysis of the seed-filling process in maize based on a logistic model. Heredity. 2020, 124(1): 122-134.
55. Chen R#, Yao Y#, Fang H, Zhang E, Li P, Xu Y, Yin S, Huangfu L, Sun G, Xu C*, Zhou Y*, Yang Z*. Origin, evolution and functional characterization of the land plant glycoside hydrolase subfamily GH5_11. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2019, 138:205-218.
54. Li X, Shi S, Tao Q, Tao Y, Miao J, Peng X, Li C, Yang Z, Zhou Y*, Liang G*. OsGASR9 positively regulates grain size and yield in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Science. 2019, 286:17-27.
53. Li P, Pan T, Wang H, Wei J, Chen M, Hu X, Zhao Y, Yang X, Yin S, Xu Y, Fang H, Liu J, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Natural variation of ZmHKT1 affects root morphology in maize at the seedling stage. Planta. 2019, 249(3):879-889.
52. Miao J#, Yang Z#, Zhang D, Wang Y, Xu M, Zhou L, Wang J, Wu S, Yao Y, Du X, Gu F, Gong Z, Gu M, Liang G, Zhou Y. Mutation of RGG2, which encodes a type B heterotrimeric G protein γ subunit, increases grain size and yield production in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2019 Mar;17(3):650-664.
51. Zhang X, Zhou J, Huang N, Mo L, Lv M, Gao Y, Chen C, Yin S, Ju J, Dong G, Zhou Y, Yang Z, Li A, Wang Y, Huang J, Yao Y*. Transcriptomic and Co-Expression Network Profiling of Shoot Apical Meristem Reveal Contrasting Response to Nitrogen Rate between Indica and Japonica Rice Subspecies. Int J Mol Sci. 2019, 20(23):5922.
50. Hao D, Xue L, Zhang Z, Cheng Y, Chen G, Zhou G, Li P, Yang Z, Xu C*. Combined linkage and association mapping reveal candidate loci for kernel size and weight in maize. Breed Sci. 2019, 69(3):420-428.
49. Wang H, Wei J, Li P, Wang Y, Ge Z, Qian J, Fan Y, Ni J, Xu Y, Yang Z, Xu C*. Integrating GWAS and Gene Expression Analysis Identifies Candidate Genes for Root Morphology Traits in Maize at the Seedling Stage. Genes. 2019 Oct 2;10(10):773.
48. Zhang X, Huang N, Mo L, Lv M, Gao Y, Wang J, Liu C, Yin S, Zhou J, Xiao N, Pan C, Xu Y, Dong G, Yang Z, Li A, Huang J, Wang Y, Yao Y*. Global Transcriptome and Co-Expression Network Analysis Reveal Contrasting Response of Japonica and Indica Rice Cultivar to γ Radiation. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Sep 5;20(18):4358.
47. Li P, Wei J, Wang H, Fang Y, Yin S, Xu Y, Liu J, Yang Z, Xu C*. Natural Variation and Domestication Selection of ZmPGP1 Affects Plant Architecture and Yield-Related Traits in Maize. Genes. 2019 Aug 30;10(9):664.
46. Tao Y, Wang J, Miao J, Chen J, Wu S, Zhu J, Zhang D, Gu H, Cui H, Shi S, Xu M, Yao Y, Gong Z, Yang Z, Gu M, Zhou Y, Liang G. The Spermine Synthase OsSPMS1 Regulates Seed Germination, Grain Size, and Yield. Plant Physiology. 2018 Sep 6. pii: pp.00877.2018. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.00877.
45. Xu Y, Yang T, Zhou Y, Yin S, Li P, Liu J, Xu S, Yang Z*, Xu C*. Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Starch Pasting Properties in Maize Using Single-Locus and Multi-Locus Models. Front Plant Sci. 2018, 9: 1311.
44. Xu Y, Wang X, Ding X, Zheng X, Yang Z, Xu C, Hu Z. Genomic selection of agronomic traits in hybrid rice using an NCII population. Rice (N Y). 2018 May 10;11(1):32. doi: 10.1186/s12284-018-0223-4.
43. Guan Y, Liu L, Wang Q, Zhao J, Li P, Hu J, Yang Z, Running MP, Sun H, Huang J*. Gene refashioning through innovative shifting of reading frames in mosses. Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 19;9(1):1555. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04025-x.
42. Yin SY, Li PC, Xu Y, Xue L, Hao DR, Liu J, Yang TT, Yang ZF, Xu CW: Logistic model-based genetic analysis for kernel filling in a maize RIL population. Euphytica 2018, 214(5): .
41. Wang HM, Lei Y, Yan LY, Wan LY, Cai Y, Yang ZF, Lv JW, Zhang XJ, Xu CW, Liao BS: Development and validation of simple sequence repeat markers from Arachis hypogaea transcript sequences. Crop Journal, 2018, 6(2):172-180.
40. Li L, Liu J, Xue X, Li C, Yang Z, Li T*. CAPS/dCAPS Designer: a web-based high-throughput dCAPS marker design tool. Sci China Life Sci. 2018 Apr 12. doi: 10.1007/s11427-017-9286-y.
39. Gao Q, Xu S, Zhu X, Wang L, Yang Z*, Zhao X*. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the RIO atypical kinase family in plants. Genes & Genomics, 2018, 40(6): 669–683 doi: 10.1007/s13258-018-0658-4
38. Li P, Zhang Y, Yin S, Zhu P, Pan T, Xu Y, Wang J, Hao D, Fang H, Xu C*, Yang Z*. QTL-by-Environment interaction in the response of maize root and shoot traits to different water regimes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 23;9: 229.
37. Li P#, Du C#, Zhang Y, Yin S, Zhang E, Fang H, Lin D, Xu C*, Yang Z*. Combined bulked segregant sequencing and traditional linkage analysis for identification of candidate gene for purple leaf sheath in maize. PLoS One. 2018, 13(1): e0190670.
36. Zhou Y#, Tao Y#, Yuan Y, Zhang Y, Miao J, Zhang R, Yi C, Gong Z, Yang Z*, Liang G*. Characterisation of a novel quantitative trait locus, GN4-1, for grain number and yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2018, 131(3): 637-648.
35. Zhou Y, Tao Y, Zhu J, Miao J, Liu J, Liu Y, Yi C, Yang Z*, Gong* Z, Liang G*. GNS4, a novel allele of DWARF11, regulates grain number and grain size in a high-yield rice variety. Rice, 2017, 10(1): 34.
34. Fang H, Huangfu L, Chen R, Li P, Xu S, Zhang E, Cao W, Liu L, Yao Y, Liang G, Xu C*, Zhou Y*, Yang Z*. Ancestor of land plants acquired the DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase (MAG) gene from bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):9324.
33. Li P#, Cao W#, Fang H, Xu S, Yin S, Zhang Y, Lin D, Wang J, Chen Y, Xu C* and Yang Z*. Transcriptomic profiling of the maize (Zea mays L.) leaf response to abiotic stresses at the seedling stage. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 290. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00290.
32. Wang X, Li L, Yang Z, Zheng X, Yu S, Xu C*, Hu Z*. Predicting rice hybrid performance using univariate and multivariate GBLUP models based on North Carolina mating design II. Heredity, 2017, 118(3): 302-310.
31. Xu Y, Li PC, Yang ZF, Xu CW: Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci in crops. Crop Journal, 2017, 5(2):175-184.
30. Tao Y, Zhu J, Xu J, Wang L, Gu H, Zhou R, Yang Z, Zhou Y*, Liang G*. Exploitation of heterosis loci for yield and yield components in rice using chromosome segment substitution lines. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 36802.
29. Yang Z, Liu L, Fang H, Li P, Xu S, Cao W, Xu C*, Huang J*, Zhou Y*. Origin of the plant Tm-1-like gene via two independent horizontal transfer events and one gene fusion event. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 33691.
28. Zhou Y, Dong G, Tao Y, Chen C, Yang B, Wu Y, Yang Z, Liang G*, Wang B*, Wang Y*. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Toot Traits Using Sequencing-Based Genotyping Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines Derived from 9311 and Nipponbare in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLoS One. 2016, 11(3): e0151796.
27. Xu Y, Hu WM, Yang ZF, Xu CW: A multivariate partial least squares approach to joint association analysis for multiple correlated traits. Crop Journal, 2016, 4(1):21-29.
26. Yang Z#, Zhou Y#, Huang J, Hu Y, Zhang E, Xie Z, Ma S, Gao Y, Song S, Xu C* Liang G*: Ancient horizontal transfer of transaldolase-like protein gene and its role in plant vascular development. New Phytologist 2015, 206(2):807-816.
25. Zhou Y#, Miao J#, Gu H, Peng X, Leburu M, Yuan F, Gu H, Gao Y, Tao Y, Zhu J, Gong Z, Yi C, Gu M, Yang Z*, Liang G*. Natural Variations in SLG7 Regulate Grain Shape in Rice. Genetics. 2015, 201(4): 1591-1599.
24. Yang Z, Ma S, Hu Y, Zhang E, Xie Z, Xu S, Liu L, Deng L, Xu C*, Huang J*: Association Analysis of the Maize Gene ZmYS1 with Kernel Mineral Concentrations. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 2015, 33(5):1327-1335.
23. Wang X, Yang Z, Xu C*: A comparison of genomic selection methods for breeding value prediction. Science Bulletin 2015, 60(10):925-935.
22. Gao Q, Zang H, Gao Y, Yang Z, Zhou Y, Luo Y, Yuan Y, Wang Y, Yang L, Xu X et al: Comprehensive molecular evolution and gene expression analyses of the ABC1 atypical kinase family in rice and Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2015, 24(2):210-217.
20. Yin Z#, Zhang Z#, Deng D, Chao M, Gao Q, Wang Y, Yang Z, Bian Y, Hao D, Xu C*: Characterization of Rubisco Activase Genes in Maize: An alpha-Isoform Gene Functions alongside a beta-Isoform Gene. Plant Physiology 2014, 164(4):2096-2106.
20. Yang Z, Zhang E, Li J, Jiang Y, Wang Y, Hu Y, Xu C*: Analyses of sequence polymorphism and haplotype diversity of LEAFY genes revealed post-domestication selection in the Chinese elite maize inbred lines. Molecular Biology Reports 2014, 41(2):1117-1125.
19. Yang Z, Zhang E, Jiang Y, Xu S, Pan L, Chen Q, Xu C*: Sequence polymorphisms in Zmisa2 gene are significantly associated with starch pasting and gelatinization properties in maize (Zea mays L.). Molecular Breeding 2014, 34(4):1833-1842.
18. Yang Z#, Wang Y#, Gao Y, Zhou Y, Zhang E, Hu Y, Yuan Y, Liang G, Xu C*: Adaptive evolution and divergent expression of heat stress transcription factors in grasses. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14: 147.
17. Xu S, Yang Z*, Zhang E, Jiang Y, Pan L, Chen Q, Xie Z, Xu C*: Nucleotide Diversity of Maize ZmBT1 Gene and Association with Starch Physicochemical Properties. PLoS One 2014, 9(8): e103627.
16. Tang Z, Hu W, Huang J, Lu X, Yang Z, Lei S, Zhang Y, Xu C*: Potential Involvement of Maternal Cytoplasm in the Regulation of Flowering Time via Interaction with Nuclear Genes in Maize. Crop Science 2014, 54(2):544-553.
15. Zhou Y#, Gong Z#, Yang Z#, Yuan Y, Zhu J, Wang M, Yuan F, Wu S, Wang Z, Yi C et al: Mutation of the Light-Induced Yellow Leaf 1 Gene, Which Encodes a Geranylgeranyl Reductase, Affects Chlorophyll Biosynthesis and Light Sensitivity in Rice. Plos One 2013, 8(9): e75299.
14. Zhang E, Yang Z*, Wang Y, Hu Y, Song X, Xu C*: Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Haplotype Diversity of RTCS Gene in China Elite Maize Inbred Lines. Plos One 2013, 8(2): e56495.
13. Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Gao Q, Zhang E, Zhu L, Hu Y, Xu C*: Evolution of land plant genes encoding L-Ala-D/L-Glu epimerases (AEEs) via horizontal gene transfer and positive selection. BMC Plant Biology 2013, 13: 34.
12. Yang Z, Wang Y, Xu S, Xu C, Yan C*: Molecular Evolution and Functional Divergence of Soluble Starch Synthase Genes in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Evolutionary Bioinformatics 2013, 9:239-249
11. Tang Z, Yang Z, Hu Z, Zhang D, Lu X, Jia B, Deng D, Xu C*: Cytonuclear epistatic quantitative trait locus mapping for plant height and ear height in maize. Molecular Breeding 2013, 31(1):1-14.
10. Tang Z, Hu Z, Yang Z, Yu B, Xu C*: Framework for dissection of complex cytonuclear epistasis by a two-dimensional genome scan. Chinese Science Bulletin 2012, 57(21):2675-2680.
9. Gao Q#, Yang Z#, Zhou Y, Yin Z, Qiu J, Liang G, Xu C*: Characterization of an Abc1 kinase family gene OsABC1-2 conferring enhanced tolerance to dark-induced stress in rice. Gene 2012, 498(2):155-163.
8. Yang Z, Huang J*: De novo origin of new genes with introns in Plasmodium vivax. Febs Letters 2011, 585(4):641-644.
7. Sun G#, Yang Z#, Kosch T, Summers K, Huang J*: Evidence for acquisition of virulence effectors in pathogenic chytrids. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11.
6. Sun G, Yang Z, Ishwar A, Huang J*: Algal Genes in the Closest Relatives of Animals. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010, 27(12):2879-2889.
5. Yang Z, Gao Q, Sun C, Li W, Gu S, Xu C*: Molecular evolution and functional divergence of HAK potassium transporter gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2009, 36(3):161-172.
4. Wang X, Song W, Yang Z, Wang Y, Tang Z, Xu C*: Improved Genetic Mapping of Endosperm Traits Using NCIII and TTC Designs. Journal of Heredity 2009, 100(4):496-500.
3. Yang Z, Zhou Y, Wang X, Gu S, Yu J, Liang G, Yan C, Xu C*: Genomewide comparative phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analysis of tubby-like protein family in Arabidopsis, rice, and poplar. Genomics 2008, 92(4):246-253.
2. Yang Z, Wang X, Gu S, Hu Z, Xu H, Xu C*: Comparative study of SBP-box gene family in Arabidopsis and rice. Gene 2008, 407(1-2):1-11.
1. Yang Z, Gu S, Wang X, Li W, Tang Z, Xu C*: Molecular evolution of the CPP-like gene family in plants: Insights from comparative genomics of Arabidopsis and rice. Journal of Molecular Evolution 2008, 67(3):266-277.
团队成员Research Group