副高级 硕士生导师
主要从事全息三维显示和和全息加速算法方面研究,主要研究方向为:面向真实物体的实时彩色三维全息显示等。承担国家级项目2项,省级项目2项。硕博士期间参加了全息显示相关的韩国国家级项目 6 项。
近几年来,以第一作者和通信作者的身份在“Optics Express”、“Applied Sciences”,“Applied Optics”等国外SCI期刊,以及Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging,SPIE等国际会议上录用发表论文40余篇。除此之外,本人还担任知名期刊Entropy客邀编辑,光学顶级期刊Optics Express,知名期刊Applied Sciences,Mathematics等期刊的审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目,面向真实物体的彩色全息实时3D显示技术的研究,在研,主持;
2. 中国博士后面上项目,面向真实环境的彩色全息实时三维显示技术的研究,在研,主持;
3. 江苏省科学技术厅青年项目,基于深度相机的实时高质量彩色全息三维显示技术研究,在研,主持;
4. 江苏省教育厅面上项目,基于真实物体的实时彩色全息三维显示系统研究,在研,主持。
1. 韩国信息通信企划评价院,IITP-2020-2015-0-00448,Research and development of holographic technology (Information Technology Research Center,2015.06-2020.12,45亿韩元(约2595万元),已结题,参加。
2. 韩国科学技术通讯部,No.2017-0-00417-002,Openholo library technology development for digital holographic contents and simulation, 2017.04-2019.12,2亿韩元(约115万元),已结题,参加。
3.韩国信息通信企划评价院,IITP-2011-0030079, Fundamental technology development for large screen display holographic contents,2013.10-2016.08,73亿韩元(约4200万元),已结题,参加。
4. 韩国研究财团,NRF-2017R1A2B4012096, Design and implement of full color and high-efficiency waveguide head-mounted display using holographic optical element,2014.10-2017.04,3亿韩元(约173万元),已结题,参加。
Yu Zhao, Zijie Huang, Jiahui Ji, Meng Xie, Wei Liu, Chao Ping Chen, “Holographic voice-interactive system with Taylor Rayleigh-Sommerfeld based point cloud gridding,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 179 (2024) 108270, (JCR Q1), IF: 4.6.
J.-H. Ji, Y. ZHAO*, J.-W. BU, T. ZHANG, L. M. ZHU, and Y. HUANG, “Point cloud holographic encryption displaysystem involving 3D face recognition and air-writing.” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 41(3), A47-A54, 2024, (JCR Q2), IF: 2.1.
Yi-Lin Xin, Gui-Ping Ge, Wei Du, Han Wu, and Yu Zhao*, “Design of an Optical Physics Virtual Simulation System Based on Unreal Engine 5,” Applied Sciences, 14(3), 955, 2024, (JCR Q2), IF: 2.7.
Yu Zhao, J. W. Bu, W. Liu, J. H. Ji, Q. H. Yang, and S. F. Lin, “Implementation of a full-color holographic system using RGB-D salient object detection and divided point cloud gridding.” Optics Express, 30(2), 1641-1655, (2023). (JCR Q1)
J. W. Bu, Yu Zhao*, and J. H. Ji, “Full-color holographic system featuring three-dimensional salient object detection based on a U2 -RAS network.” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 40(4), (2023).(JCR Q2)
Q. H. Yang, Yu Zhao*, W. Liu, J. W. Bu and J. H. Ji, “A Full-Color Holographic System Based on Taylor Rayleigh–Sommerfeld Diffraction Point Cloud Grid Algorithm.” Applied Sciences,13(7), 4466(2023).(JCR Q2)
Yu Zhao, Huang, Y.; Zhu, L.M.; Bu, J.W.; Du, Y.R.; Zhu, M.Y.; Zhu, J.R. Segmented Point Cloud Gridding Method for a Full-Color Holographic System With Real Objects. Front. Photonics. (2022)
Yu. Zhao, K. C. Kwon, M. U. Erdenebat, S. H. Jeon, M. L. Piao, and N. Kim, “Implementation of full-color holographic system using non-uniformly sampled 2D images and compressed point cloud gridding.” Optics Express, 27(20), 29746-29758, (2019).(JCR Q1)
Yu Zhao, Munkh-Uchral Erdenebat; Mei-Lan Piao; Md-Shahinur Alam; Seok-Hee Jeon, and Nam Kim, “Multiple-camera holographic system featuring efficient depth grids for representation of real 3D objects,”Applied Optics. Vol. 58 (5) A242-A250 (2019). (JCR Q2)
Yu Zhao, Ki-Chul Kwon, Munkh-Uchral Erdenebat, Md-Sifatul Islam, Seok-Hee Jeon, and Nam Kim, "Quality enhancement and GPU acceleration for a full-color holographic system using a relocated point cloud gridding method," Applied Optics. Vol.57(15), 4253-4262 (2018) (JCR Q2)
Yu Zhao, Chen-Xiao Shi, Ki-Chul Kwon, Yan-Ling Piao, Mei-Lan Piao, and Nam Kim. "Fast calculation method of computer-generated hologram using a depth camera with point cloud gridding." Optics Communications, Vol. 411C, pp.166-169. (2018).(JCR Q3)
Yu Zhao, Ki-Chul Kwon, Yan-Ling Piao, Seok-He Jeon, and Nam Kim. "Depth-layer weighted prediction method for a full-color polygon-based holographic system with real objects." Optics Letters. Vol.42 (13), (2017).(JCR Q1)
Yu Zhao, Mei-Lan Piao, Gang Li, and Nam Kim,“Fast calculation method of computer-generated cylindrical hologram using wave-front recording surface.” Optics Letters, Vol. 40(13), pp.3017-3020, (2015). (JCR Q1)
Le Thanh Bang, Hui-Ying Wu, Yu Zhao, Eung-Gook Kim, and Nam Kim, “Depth enhancement of 3D microscopic living‐cell image using incoherent fluorescent digital holography”. Journal of microscopy, Vol.265(3), pp.372.385, (2017).
Fei Shan, Sung-Jin Kim, Yu Zhao, Nam Kim, Seong Gon Choi, and Seung Wook Chang. “Solution-processed indium-zinc-oxide thin-film transistors from a fast and stable pre-annealing process with a femtosecond laser. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 70(9), 872-875. (2017)
Mei-Lan Piao, Yan Ling Piao, Hui Ying Wu, Yu Zhao, and Nam Kim“Multi-depth three-dimensional image encryption based on the phase retrieval algorithm in the Fresnel and fractional Fourier transform domains. ”Applied Optics. Vol57, 7609, (2018).
Mei-Lan Piao, Shi-Gang Wang, Yan Zhao, Jian Wei, Yu Zhao, and Nam Kim, Robust multidepth object encryption based on a computer-generated hologram with a cascaded structure. Applied Optics, 58(36), 9921-9930, (2019).
M. S. Islam, Y. L. Piao,Y. Zhao, K. C. Kwon, E. Cho, and N. Kim,“Max-depth-range technique for faster full-color hologram generation.”Applied Optics, 59(10), 3156-3164.(2020).
Y. L. Piao, M. U. Erdenebat, Y. Zhao, K. C. Kwon, M. L. Piao, H. Kang, and N. Kim,“Improving the quality of full-color holographic three-dimensional displays using depth-related multiple wavefront recording planes with uniform active areas.” Applied Optics, 59(17), 5179-5188. (2020).
K. C. Kwon, K. H. Kwon, M. U. Erdenebat, Y. L. Piao, Y. T. Lim, Y. Zhao, and N. Kim, “Advanced Three-Dimensional Visualization System for an Integral Imaging Microscope Using a Fully Convolutional Depth Estimation Network.”IEEE Photonics Journal.(2020).