Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:Yamaguchi Univ.
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
- No content
Paper Publications
- BHRC,徐玮蔓.成式AI对编程教育带来的机遇与挑战.新教育时代,2024,
- BHRC,金欣怡.Impact and Discussion on Artificial Intelligence in Artistic Creation.Advances in Higher Education,2024,
- BHRC,ChenNashen.Visual Research on Global Educational Technology Based on the Construction of Knowledge Graph.Japan Educational Information Society,2024,
- BHRC,Chen Nasen.Visual Research on Global Educational Technology Based on the Construction of Knowledge Graph.日本教育情报学会,2024,1258-262.
- 基于 Petri Net 的肺经五腧穴模型的仿真.[北大核心;CSCD].计算机仿真,2022,39(10):277-283.