Date of Birth:1973-08-22
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:扬州大学
Paper Publications
Chen Gang,莫丝塔,路兆庚,杜然,崔佳雯,闫建斌,金飚,王云.The Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) Genome Provides Insight into the Biosynthesis of Flower Fragrances and Jasmonates.GENOMICS PROTEOMICS & BIOINFORMATICS,2023,21(1)127-149.
Chen Gang,胡珂鸣,赵剑华,郭斐斐,单文峰,蒋秋情,左示敏,陈宗祥.Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Salt-Induced Phenotypic and Physiologic Responses in Rice at Seedling and Reproductive Stages.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2022,13
Chen Gang,莫丝塔,路兆庚,杜然,崔佳雯,闫建斌,金飚,王云.The Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) Genome Provides Insight into the Biosynthesis of Flower Fragrances and Jasmonates.GENOMICS PROTEOMICS & BIOINFORMATICS,2023,21(1)127-149.
Chen Gang,文婷,张萍,余徐润,吴云飞,熊飞.皮裸燕麦胚乳淀粉形态结构及理化性质的比较.麦类作物学报,2022,42(1)81-89.
Chen Gang,胡珂鸣,赵剑华,郭斐斐,单文峰,蒋秋情,陈宗祥.Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Salt-Induced Phenotypic and Physiologic Responses in Rice at Seedling and Reproductive Stages.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2022,13
Chen Gang,龙茜,李谢颖,胡慕兰,严萍,王忠.不同pH值对金鱼藻光合作用及叶绿素荧光特性的影响.扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2015,36(1)15-21.
Chen Gang,杜坤,张军,王宇鹏,孙国荣,周卫东.Enrichment of Cd in wheat grains of different genotypes and its relationship with other eight elements.2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010,2010,