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个人信息Personal Information
教师拼音名称:Cao Rongxing
个人简介Personal Profile
1. 工作经历
2021.12至今 扬州大学电气与能源动力工程学院
2017.10-2021.11 扬州大学物理科学与技术学院
2015.9-2017.5 美国Emory大学物理系博士后
2013.7-2015.9 南京大学物理学院博士后
2. 教育经历
2008.9-2013.6 南京大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业博士
2004.9-2008.6 南京大学物理系微电子专业学士
1. 研究方向
(1) 新型高压大功率器件的空间应用
(2) 集成电路芯片的空间应用
2. 科研项目
(1) 科技部重点研发项目子课题,辐照、电、热等多场作用下GaN基HEMT器件辐照损伤机理,编号2023YFB3611902,2023.11-2026.10,主持。
(2) xx基础科研计划项目,高压高温下辐照诱发xxx研究,编号WDZC-HGD-2022-11,2022.1-2023.12,主持。
(3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于非局域纳米振荡器的三重态超导关联净自旋性质研究,编号12004329,2021.1-2023.12,主持。
(4) xx支持项目,第三代半导体器件的xxx研究,2021.2-2021.7,主持。
(5) 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,纳米尺度下非局域自旋注入产生的微波振荡研究,编号BK20180889,2018.7-2021.6,主持。
(6) 国家重点实验室开放基金,质子辐照作用下AlGaN/GaN异质结缺陷特性研究,2023.1-2023.12,主持。
(7) 国家重点实验室开放基金,第四代半导体氧化镓器件单粒子效应模拟仿真研究,编号SKLIPR2115,2022.6-2024.6,主持。
(8) 固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题,纳米尺度下非局域自旋注入产生的微波振荡研究,编号M32004,2019.9-2021.8,主持。
(9) 中国空间技术研究院横向项目,纳米器件电子辐射损伤敏感性分析,编号2022YFB030,2022.12-2023.12,主持。
(10) 江苏省“双创计划”双创博士项目,2018.10-2020.10,主持。
(11) 扬州市“绿扬金凤计划”优秀博士项目,主持。
(12) 扬州大学科技创新培育基金项目,非局域自旋流驱动纳米振荡器的电学表征和性能调控研究,编号2019CXJ012,2020.6-2021.6,主持。
(1) 曹荣幸,吴国庆,曾祥华,“一种测量材料超导特性的谐振频率电路结构”,专利号:ZL 202010051142.6.
(2) 汪柯佳,曹荣幸,薛玉雄,李林欢,孟洋,黄鑫,曾祥华,刘洋,韩丹,李红霞,郑澍,“一种功率器件的单粒子硬错误鉴别方法”,专利号:ZL 202210305326.X.
(3) 李林欢,曹荣幸,黄鑫,孟洋,薛玉雄,刘洋,周敏,韩丹,李红霞,郑澍,“一种P型栅GaN HEMT器件内部单粒子烧毁敏感区域确定方法”,专利号:ZL 202110837558.5.
(4) 孟洋,蒋煜琪,薛玉雄,曹荣幸,李林欢,黄鑫,汪珂佳,曾祥华,“一种功率场效应晶体管器件单粒子烧毁测试平台”,专利号:ZL 202111540865.3.
(5) 黄鑫,吕贺,曹荣幸,梅博,薛玉雄,李兴冀,杨剑群,孟洋,李林欢,汪柯佳,刘洋,曾祥华,“一种肖特基二极管的电学特性曲线拟合优化方法”,专利号:ZL 202210422028.9.
(6) 王新淦,薛玉雄,刘洋,曹荣幸,郑澍,李红霞,张有鑫,“微系统三维互连结构传输高频信号的总剂量效应建模方法”,专利号:ZL 202210305322.1.
(7) 汤涛,吴国庆,曹荣幸,李晓慧,“电子镀铜氧化物高温超导材料PCCO单晶的制备方法”,专利号:ZL 202110563280.7.
(8) 吴国庆,曹荣幸,曾祥华,“涡旋态磁通晶格的连续波射频场调控电路结构及调控方法”,专利号:ZL 201911326864.1.
(9) 丁海峰,孙亮,曹荣幸,“一种扫描隧道显微镜针尖加热装置”,专利号:ZL 200910307973.9.
(1) Rongxing Cao*, Yan Liu, Yulong Cai et al., Comparison of single event effect and space electrostatic discharge effect on FPGA signal transmission. Journal of Electronic Testing (2024). (SCI四区,IF=0.9)
(2) Kejia Wang, Zujun Wang, Rongxing Cao* et al., Study of the mechanism of single event burnout in lateral depletion-mode Ga2O3 MOSFET devices via TCAD simulation. Journal of Applied Physics 135, 145702 (2024). (SCI三区,IF=3.2)
(3) R. X. Cao, H. Yuan, N. Yang et al., Enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production utilizing few-layered 1T-WS2/g-C3N4 heterostructures prepared with one-step calcination route. Fuel 357, 129808 (2024). (SCI一区,IF=7.4)
(4) Yuxin Lu, Rongxing Cao, Hongxia Li et al., Degradation of electrical performance and radiation damage mechanism of cascode GaN HEMT with 80 MeV proton. Physica Scripta 99, 035920 (2024). (SCI三区,IF=2.9)
(5) Rongxing Cao, Wei Mo, Tao Zhu et al., Effects of high-dose 80 MeV proton irradiation on the electroluminescent and electrical performance of InGaN light emitting diodes. Physica Scripta 98, 085006 (2023). (SCI三区,IF=2.9)
(6) Rongxing Cao*, Kejia Wang, Yang Meng et al., Synergistic effect of total ionizing dose on single-event gate rupture in SiC power MOSFETs. Chinese Physics B 32, 068502 (2023). (SCI三区,IF=1.7)
(7) Yan Liu, Rongxing Cao*, Jiayu Tian et al., Study of single-event effects influenced by displacement damage effects under proton irradiation in static random-access memory. Electronics 12, 5028 (2023). (SCI三区,IF=2.9)
(8) Jinhan Shen, Dan Han*, Bowen Zhang, Rongxing Cao* et al., First-principles study on phonon transport properties of MoTe2 and WTe2 monolayers in different phases. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 145, 115509 (2023). (SCI三区,IF=3.3)
(9) 王玉才,刘艳,曹荣幸* 等,SRAM单元的单粒子效应三维敏感区形状参数模拟仿真方法,航天器环境工程 40, 622 (2023). (北大核心)
(10) 刘艳,曹荣幸* 等,总剂量与单粒子协合效应对SRAM单粒子翻转敏感性影响的仿真研究,航天器环境工程 40, 170 (2023). (北大核心)
(11) 李林欢,曹荣幸* 等,SiC MOSFET 器件单粒子烧毁仿真分析,航天器环境工程 39, 361 (2022). (北大核心)
(12) Qili Li, Rongxing Cao(共同一作), and Haifeng Ding , Quantum size effect in nanocorrals: From fundamental to potential applications. Applied Physics Letters 117, 060501 (2020).
(13) R. X. Cao, Jian Hu, Jun Dong et al., Observation of orbital ordering and origin of the nematic order in FeSe. New Journal of Physics 21, 103033 (2019). (SCI二区,IF=3.3)
(14) R. X. Cao, Jun Dong, Q. L. Wang et al., Measurements of the superconducting anisotropy in FeSe with a resonance frequency technique. AIP Advances 9, 045220 (2019). (SCI四区,IF=1.6)
(15) R. X. Cao, L. Sun, B. F. Miao et al., Spectroscopic study of Gd nanostructures quantum confined in Fe corrals. Scientific Reports 5, 12092 (2015). (SCI二区,IF=4.6)
(16) R. X. Cao, Z. Liu, B. F. Miao et al., Self-regulated Gd atom trapping in open Fe nanocorrals. Physical Review B 90, 045433 (2014). (SCI二区,IF=3.7)
(17) R. X. Cao, B. F. Miao, Z. F. Zhong et al., Two-dimensional quantum diffusion of Gd adatoms in nano-size Fe corrals. Physical Review B 87, 085415 (2013). (SCI二区,IF=3.7)
(18) R. X. Cao, Z. F. Zhong, J. Hu et al., Spectroscopy of self-assembled one-dimensional atomic string: The role of step edge. Applied Physics Letters 103, 081608 (2013). (SCI二区,IF=4.0)
(19) R. X. Cao, X. P. Zhang, B. F. Miao et al., Self-organized Gd atomic superlattice on Ag(111): Scanning tunneling microscopy and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Surface Science 610, 65 (2013). (SCI四区,IF=1.9)
(20) R. X. Cao, X. P. Zhang, B. F. Miao et al., From self-assembly to quantum guiding: A review of magnetic atomic structures on noble metal surfaces. Chinese Physics B 23, 038102 (2014). (SCI三区,IF=1.7)
(21) R. X. Cao, A. Hu, and H. F. Ding, Review of magnetic atomic structures and their properties on noble metal surfaces. Chinese Science Bulletin 60, 329 (2015).
(22) Jun Cheng, Liang Sun, Yike Zhang, Tongzhou Ji, Rongxing Cao et al., Creation and annihilation of artificial magnetic skyrmions with the electric field. Chinese Physics B 33, 037501 (2024).
(23) Kejia Wang, Rongxing Cao et al., Influence of high-dose 80 MeV proton irradiation on the electronic structure and photoluminescence of β-Ga2O3. Journal of Electronic Materials 52, 7718 (2023).
(24) Chen Gao, Rongxing Cao, Linhuan Li et al., Proton irradiation effects on GaInP/GaAs/Ge triple junction cells. Optical Materials 142, 114006 (2023).
(25) Hongxia Li, Yuxin Lu, Tao Zhu, Rongxing Cao, Yuxiong Xue, Xianghua Zeng. Impact of gamma-ray irradiation on photo emission from InGaN/GaN LED. Microelectronics Reliability 142, 114915 (2023).
(26) G. X. Chen, R. X. Cao, A. Zholud et al., Measurement of the Hall effect at nanoscale with three probes. Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 083904 (2018).
(27) Q. L. Li, R. Wang, K. X. Xie, X. X. Li, C. Zheng, R. X. Cao et al., Green's function approach to the Kondo effect in nanosized quantum corrals. Physical Review B 97, 155401 (2018).
(28) Q. L. Li, C. Zheng, R. Wang, B. F. Miao, R. X. Cao et al., Role of the surface state in the Kondo resonance width of a Co single adatom on Ag(111). Physical Review B 97, 035417 (2018).
(29) A. Zholud, R. Freeman, R. X. Cao, et al., Spin transfer due to quantum magnetization fluctuations. Physical Review Letters 119, 257201 (2017).
(30) S. Urazhdin, V. E. Demidov, R. Cao et al., Mutual synchronization of nano-oscillators driven by pure spin current. Applied Physics Letters 109, 162402 (2016).
(31) B. F. Miao, Y. Wen, M. Yan, L. Sun, R. X. Cao et al., Micromagnetic study of excitation modes of an artificial skyrmion crystal. Applied Physics Letters 107, 222402 (2015).
(32) Y. Wen, Z. Feng, B. F. Miao, R. X. Cao et al., Fast and controllable switching the circulation and polarity of magnetic vortices. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 370, 68 (2014).
(33) B. F. Miao, L. Sun, Y. W. Wu, X. D. Tao, X. Xiong, Y. Wen, R. X. Cao et al., Experimental realization of two-dimensional artificial skyrmion crystals at room temperature. Physical Review B 90, 174411 (2014).
(34) L. Sun, R. X. Cao, B. F. Miao et al., Creating an artificial two-dimensional skyrmion crystal by nanopatterning. Physical Review Letters 110, 167201 (2013).
(35) Z. F. Zhong, H. L. Shen, R. X. Cao et al., Coulomb blockade effect of molecularly suspended graphene nanoribbons investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy. Physical Review B 88, 125408 (2013).
(36) Z. F. Zhong, H. L. Shen, R. X. Cao et al., Width dependent edge distribution of graphene nanoribbons unzipped from multiwall carbon nanotubes. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 174307 (2013).
(37) J. Hu, R. X. Cao, B. F. Miao et al., Size-dependent quantum diffusion of Gd atoms within Fe nano-corrals. Surface Science 618, 148 (2013).
(38) X. P. Zhang, R. X. Cao, L. Sun et al., Anomalous temperature dependence of antistripe width in the annealing of submonolayer Fe on Ru(0001). Physical Review B 83, 193402 (2011).