Cao Songyin
Alma Mater:Southeast University
Paper Publications
Cao Songyin,赵云枫,乔建忠.Adaptive fault tolerant attitude control based on a disturbance observer for satellites with multiple disturbances.TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL,2016,38(6)722-731.
Cao Songyin,裔扬.Anti-disturbance fault diagnosis for non-Gaussian stochastic distribution systems with multiple disturbances.NEUROCOMPUTING,2014,136315-320.
Cao Songyin,乔建忠.Robust Fault Tolerant Control for a Class of Time-Delay Systems with Multiple Disturbances.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2013,文献号-.
Cao Songyin,Robust fault tolerant control for a class of time-delay systems with multiple disturbances.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2013,2013
Cao Songyin,Adaptive fault detection and diagnosis for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems with on-line learning.Chinese Control Conference, CCC,2013,5401-5405.
Cao Songyin,郭雷,裔扬.Robust adaptive fault diagnosis approach based on disturbance observer.Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011,2011,4340-4345.