Jibiao Fan 副高级
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Paper Publications
Jibiao Fan,项远航,张兵,Maryam Noo,张靖雪,严学兵.Progress and prospects of bermudagrass research in the last decade.Grass Research,2024,4, e0171-11.
Jibiao Fan,陈瑶,李晓琴,黄建波,张星宇,温冰,陈柯.Transcriptomic and metabolomic insights into the antimony stress response of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea).SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2024,933
Jibiao Fan,史雷胜,刘琦,朱志鹏,薛丽香,孙立超,毛凤彪,苏继梦.Annotation and evaluation of base editing outcomes in multiple cell types using CRISPRbase.NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH,2023,51D1249-D1256.
Jibiao Fan,陈柯,许基磊,Abm,K,陈瑶,陈良,严学兵.Physiological effects induced by aluminium and fluoride stress in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb).ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2022,231
Jibiao Fan,史雷胜,刘琦,朱志鹏,薛丽香,孙立超,毛凤彪,苏继梦.Annotation and evaluation of base editing outcomes in multiple cell types using CRISPRbase.NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH,2023,51D1249-D1256.
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