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Paper Publications
Fang Xiao,喻文颖,朱春苗,赵楠,赵薇,谢婷婷,魏利杰.Chromosome instability functions as a potential therapeutic reference by enhancing chemosensitivity to BCL-XL inhibitors in colorectal carcinoma.ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA,2024,45(11)2420-2431.
Fang Xiao,含有SAP结构域的肌肉增强因子2激活基因对肝细胞癌细胞增殖和凋亡的影响及其可能机制.中华肿瘤防治杂志,2023,30(18)1091-1099.
Fang Xiao,朱春苗,喻文颖,赵薇,赵楠,赵雅.含有SAP结构域的肌肉增强因子2激活基因对肝细胞癌细胞增殖和凋亡的影响及其可能机制.中华肿瘤防治杂志,2023,30(18)1091-1099.
Fang Xiao,刘颖,萧王文,赵楠,朱春苗,郁多男,赵雅.Prognostic SLC family genes promote cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma.ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA,2021,53(8)1065-1075.
Fang Xiao,刘颖,萧王文,赵楠,朱春苗,郁多男.Prognostic SLC family genes promote cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma.ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA,2021,53(8)1065-1075.
Fang Xiao,尹华,张汉卿,吴凡,刘颖,Yi Fu,Liang Zong,郁多男.p53 mediates hydroxyurea resistance in aneuploid cells of colon cancer.EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH,2019,376(1)39-48.
Fang Xiao,吕国军,Ha,Kyungs,林涵,杜烨,左秋红,傅奕,Zou,CX (Z.Acetylation of TIP60 at K104 is essential for metabolic stress-induced apoptosis in cells of hepatocellular cancer.EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH,2018,362(2)279-286.
Fang Xiao,沈飞扬,Lechauve,徐鹏,赵国伟,Itkow,J,郁多男,Mitch Weis.miR-144/451 represses the LKB1/AMPK/mTOR pathway to promote red cell precursor survival during recovery from acute anemia.HAEMATOLOGICA,2018,103(3)406-416.
Fang Xiao,尹华.奥沙利铂对结肠癌细胞DNA损伤修复类抗药基因表达的影响.实用临床医药杂志,2017,第21卷第1期1-4.
Fang Xiao,Acetylation of TIP60 at K104 is essential for metabolic stress-induced apoptosis in cells of hepatocellular cancer.Exp Cell Res,2017,epub ahead of print0-0.
Fang Xiao,沈飞扬,C. Lechauv,P. Xu,G. Zhao,J. Itkow,吴凡,郁多男.miR-144/451 represses the LKB1/AMPK/mTOR pathway to promote red cell precursor survival during recovery from acute anemia.HAEMATOLOGICA,2018,103(3)406-416.
Fang Xiao,The NEK1 interactor, C21ORF2, is required for efficient DNA damage repair.ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA,2015,47(10)834-841.
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