Guo Minliang

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


郭敏亮Doctor of Philosophy(哲学博士),生物化学与分子生物学教授,博士生导师,生物学博士后流动站合作导师。National University of Singapore(新加坡国立大学)博士毕业。曾经在澳大利亚Monash 大学生物化学与分子生物学系以荣誉访问科学家(Honour Visiting Scientist)身份进行学术访问。人力资源与社会保障部“高层次留学人才回国工作资助计划”资助对象。科技部重大科技专项视讯评审专家。国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。荷兰科学研究组织(Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO) 通讯评审专家。






主持完成的科研项目包括国家自然科学基金(3项)、人力资源与社会保障部“高层次留学人才回国工作资助计划”项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金和江苏省重点实验室开放课题。主要研究成果为:发现和鉴定了一种参与根癌农杆菌转基因的新蛋白,并对该蛋白质的相关特性进行了深入研究;近年来在根癌农杆菌的趋化与致病机制方面的研究取得了一些重要成果,鉴定了多个根癌农杆菌基因及其编码蛋白的生物学功能。迄今为止,以第一作者(或通讯作者)在Biotechnology Advances》、《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》、《Molecular Plant Pathology》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions》、《Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology》、《FEBS Journal《分析化学》、《微生物学报》和《生物化学与生物物理学报》等国际、国内权威学术期刊发表学术论文50多篇。授权专利2项。被SCI收入的论文30多篇,其中SCI影响因子大于10的论文3篇(最高影响因子17.68),国际top(顶级)期刊论文9篇。所发论文在web of science中统计的总被引次数为260多次。







1. 根癌农杆菌识别和传递宿主趋化信号的分子机理及其在调控致病性和转基因效率中的作用的研究(31870118);2019, 01~ 2022, 12

2. 农杆菌T-复合物招募蛋白平行同源基因表达调控分子机理的研究(31170073);2012, 01~ 2015, 12

3. 农杆菌T-复合物招募蛋白生物化学功能和特性的研究(30870054);2009, 01~ 2011, 12

发表的代表性论文 (*通讯作者)

1. Wang H, Zhang M, Wang E, Xiao R, Zhang S, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2023). Agrobacterium fabrum gene atu1420 regulates the pathogenicity by affecting the degradation of growth- and virulence-associated phenols. Res Microbiol, 174: 104011.

2. Guo M*(郭敏亮), Gao M, Liu J, Xu N, Wang H (2022). Bacterioferritin nanocage: Structure, biological function, catalytic mechanism, self-assembly and potential applications. Biotechnol Adv, 61: 108057.

3. 宗仁杰,高苗苗,张梦琪,王浩,徐楠,郭敏亮(2022)。根癌农杆菌化学受体MCP1912 调节趋化响应功能的鉴定。微生物学报,62: 1949-1961

4. Wang H, Zhang M, Xu Y, Zong R, Xu N, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2021).Agrobacterium fabrum atu0526-encoding protein is the only chemoreceptor that regulates chemoattraction toward the broad antibacterial agent formic acid. Biology, 10: 1345.

5. Ye J, Gao M, Zhou Q, Wang H, Xu N, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2021). The only chemoreceptor encoded by che operon affects the chemotactic response of Agrobacterium to various chemoeffectors. Microorganisms, 9: 1923.

6. Xu N, Qiu C, Yang Q, Zhang Y, Wang M, Ye C*, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2021). Analysis of phenol biodegradation in antibiotic and heavy metal resistant Acinetobacter lwoffii NL1. Front Microbiol, 12: 725755.

7. Gao D, Zong R, Huang Z, Ye J, Wang H, Xu N, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2021). The divergent key residues of two Agrobacterium fabrum (tumefaciens) CheY paralogs play a key role in distinguishing their functions. Microorganisms, 9: 1134.

8. Xu N, Yang Q, Yang X, Wang M, Guo M*(郭敏亮)(2021). Reconstruction and analysis of a genome-scale metabolic model for Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Mol Plant Pathol, 22: 348-360.

9. Xu N, Wang M, Yang X, Xu Y, Guo M*(郭敏亮)(2020). In silico analysis of the chemotactic system of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Microb Genom, 6: mgen.0.000460.

10. Yang J, Pan X, Xu Y, Li Y, Xu N, Huang Z, Ye J, Gao D, Guo M*(郭敏亮)(2020). Agrobacterium tumefaciens ferritins play an important role in full virulence through regulating iron homeostasis and oxidative stress survival. Mol Plant Pathol, 21: 1167-1178.

11. Guo M*(郭敏亮), Ye J, Gao D, Xu N, Yang J (2019). Agrobacterium-mediated horizontal gene transfer: Mechanism, biotechnological application, potential risk and forestalling strategy. Biotechnol Adv, 37: 259-270.

12. Huang Z, Pan X, Xu N, Guo M*(郭敏亮)(2019). Bacterial chemotaxis coupling protein: Structure, function and diversity. Microbiol Res, 219: 40-48.

13. Huang Z, Zhou Q, Sun P, Yang J, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2018). Two Agrobacterium tumefaciens CheW proteins are incorporated into one chemosensory pathway with different efficiencies. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 31: 460-470.

14. Guo M*(郭敏亮), Huang Z, Yang J (2017). Is there any crosstalk between the chemotaxis and virulence induction signaling in Agrobacterium tumefaciens? Biotechnol Adv, 36: 505-511.

15. Yu M, Yang J, Guo M*(郭敏亮) (2016). Is the LysM domain of L. monocytogenes p60 protein suitable for engineering a protein with high peptidoglycan binding affinity? Bioengineered, 7: 406-410.

16. Yu M, Zuo J, Gu H, Guo M*(郭敏亮), Yin Y (2015). Domain function dissection and catalytic properties of Listeria monocytogenes p60 protein with bacteriolytic activity. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 99: 10527-10537.

17. Yang J, Wu M, Zhang X, Guo M*(郭敏亮), Huang Z (2015). Expression of Agrobacterium homolog genes encoding T-complex recruiting protein under virulence induction conditions. Front Microbiol, 6: article1379.

18. Gao D, Bian X, Guo M*(郭敏亮), Wang J, Zhang X (2013). Identification and characterization of the biochemical function of Agrobacterium T-complex-recruiting protein Atu5117. FEBS J, 280: 4865-4875.

19. Guo M*(郭敏亮), Bian X, Wu X, Wu M (2011). Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation: history and progress. In Genetic Transformation (Alvarez MA, ed.), pp. 1–28. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia.

20. Guo M(郭敏亮), Jin S, Sun D, Hew CL, Pan SQ* (2007). Recruitment of conjugative DNA transfer substrate to Agrobacterium type IV secretion apparatus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104: 20019-20024.

21. Guo M(郭敏亮), Hou Q, Hew CL, Pan SQ* (2007). Agrobacterium VirD2-binding protein is involved in tumorigenesis and redundantly encoded in conjugative transfer gene clusters. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 20: 1201-1212.


1.  郭敏亮,高大伟,宗仁杰,叶竞阳,徐楠(2022)。一种CheY2突变型蛋白及其应用。中国专利 ZL202010624917.4

2. 徐楠,杨骐源,胡陨文,文东,王明琦,郭敏亮(2022)。一种鲁氏不动杆菌及其应用。中国专利ZL202011144069.3

Educational Experience

  • 新加坡国立大学
  • 生物科学
  • 博士
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Work Experience

Social Affiliations