- Patent Applicant:葛庆丰
- Patent description:一种天然肠衣的超高压生产工艺
- Type of Patent:发明
- State of Patent:#N/A
- Application Number:201611000360.7
- Number of Inventors:5
- Service Invention or Not:no
- Application Date:2016-11-14
- First Author:GQF
葛庆丰 正高级
Qingfeng Ge, male, PhD, associate professor, master supervisor,As the Secretary-General of the Jiangsu Livestock Waste Utilization Technology and Innovation Alliance,he is mainly engaged in research on the processing and quality safety control of meat products from livestock and poultry, as well as the utilization of animal by-products.In recent years, he has several key research and developmen...Detials