Date of Birth:1974-01-11
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:日本鸟取大学
Paper Publications
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,王斌,Hinokidani.Structural Universality of the Distributed Hydrological Model for Small- and Medium-Scale Basins with Different Topographies.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2018,23(1)
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,Hinokidani,Yasuda Hir.Runoff and water budget of the Liudaogou Catchment at the wind-water erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau of China.ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,2014,72(9)3623-3633.
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,王斌,朱士江.Numerical analysis of the combined rainfall-runoff process and snowmelt for the Alun River Basin, Heilongjiang, China.ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES,2015,74(9)6929-6941.
Huang Jinbai,卢龙彬,付强,王斌,温佳伟.黄土高原北部水蚀风蚀交错带沟壑地形的降雨反应特性.水土保持学报,2013,27(4)142-147.
Huang Jinbai,Hinokidani,Yasuda H,Chandra Oj,Kajikawa Y,李世清.Effects of the check dam system on water redistribution in the Chinese Loess Plateau.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,2013,18(8)929-940.
Huang Jinbai,Hinokidani,Yasuda. H,Chandra. S,Kajikawa,Li,S.Q.Effects of the Check Dam System on Water Redistribution in the Chinese Loess Plateau.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING,2013,18(8)929-940.
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,王斌,Hinokidani.Parameter sensitivity analysis for a physically based distributed hydrological model based on Morris' screening method.JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT,2020,13(1)
Huang Jinbai,王斌,温佳伟.黑龙江省西部半干旱区雨季及融雪期径流特性.东北农业大学学报,2019,(5)87-96.