Date of Birth:1974-01-11
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:日本鸟取大学
Paper Publications
Huang Jinbai,王庆明,冯绍元,王斌,温佳伟,张更喜.Development of a distributed hydrological model combined with sediment transport calculations and its application to a medium-scale basin in northeast China.ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,2024,6(10)
Huang Jinbai,王庆明,冯绍元,王斌,温佳伟,张更喜.Development of a distributed hydrological model combined with sediment transport calculations and its application to a mediumscale basin in northeast China.Environmental Research Communications,2024,6(10)1051201-10502017.
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,罗迪文,朱超凡.Response characteristics of soil moisture to rainfall for a single grass type in an urban area.HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2023,54(2)99-115.
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,罗迪文,朱超凡.Response characteristics of soil moisture to rainfall for a single grass type in an urban area.HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2023,54(2)99-115.
Huang Jinbai,王斌,温佳伟.黑龙江省西部半干旱区雨季及融雪期径流特性.东北农业大学学报,2019,(5)87-96.
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,王斌,Hinokidani.Parameter sensitivity analysis for a physically based distributed hydrological model based on Morris' screening method.JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT,2020,13(1)
Huang Jinbai,田川公太朗,王斌,温佳伟,王景才.Seasonal Surface Runoff Characteristics in the Semiarid Region of Western Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China-A Case of the Alun River Basin.WATER,2019,11(3)
Huang Jinbai,方红远,王景才,李帆,解阳阳.面向创新能力培养的研究创新型教学平台的构建—以水文与水资源工程专业为例.科技创新导报,2019,2019年第11期207-209.
Huang Jinbai,王斌,温佳伟.黑龙江省西部半干旱区雨季及融雪期径流特性.东北农业大学学报,50(5)87-96.
Huang Jinbai,温佳伟,王斌,周钦,桧谷治.物理性分布式水文模型参数灵敏度分析在Bukuro流域的应用.扬州大学学报(自然科学版),2018,21(4)72-78.