- Hu Meijuan,陈攻.The Impact and Spatial Spillover Effects of Tourism Development on Urban Welfare: Empirical Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta in China.Systems(四区),2024,
- Hu Meijuan,李在军,侯兵.The Influencing Effect of Tourism Economy on Green Development Efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2023,20(2)
- Hu Meijuan,侯兵,李在军.The Influencing Effect of Tourism Economy on Green Development Efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2023,
- Hu Meijuan,李在军.The Influencing Effect of Tourism Economy on Green Development Efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2023,20(2)
- Hu Meijuan,余凤龙,李在军.长三角城市综合福利、资源环境压力与经济增长的时空响应关系.长江流域资源与环境,2021,30(10)2336-2346.
- Hu Meijuan,Suleman,李在军.Spatio-Temporal Differentiation Mode and Threshold Effect of Yangtze River Delta Urban Ecological Well-Being Performance Based on Network DEA.SUSTAINABILITY,2021,13(8)
- Hu Meijuan,李在军,宋伟轩.中国城市环境规制对PM2.5污染的影响效应.长江流域资源与环境,2021,30(9)2166-2177.
- Hu Meijuan,丁正山,周年兴,秦东丽,张郴,李在军.基于三维福利的城市生态福利强度及驱动模式——以长三角地区为例.自然资源学报,2021,36(2)327-341.
- Hu Meijuan,丁正山,周年兴,郭向阳,李欣,李在军.泛长三角城市资源环境压力演化特征及门槛效应.地理科学,2020,40(5)701-709.
- Hu Meijuan,侯兵,李在军.长三角城市“福利门槛”效应及形成机理.经济地理,2021,41(8)62-72.