Shanhua He
Date of Birth:1982-10-23
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:北京外国语大学
Scientific Research
Research Field
Shanhua He is a professor at Yangzhou University, China. He focusses mostly on sociolinguistics and sociology of language, particularly on language planning and policy. His recent interests include language rights, language conflicts, linguistic landscape and area studies from the perspective of language planning.
He hopes to recruit graduate students with backgrounds in software engineering, computer science, linguistics, political science, and related fields.
Paper Publications
- Shanhua He,海伦·凯丽-霍姆斯.(译文)语言政策4.0:自动化未来中的主体性.语言战略研究,2023,
- Shanhua He,吉里·内克瓦皮尔,塔玛·谢尔曼.(译文)跨国公司如何改变周边语言环境:来自捷克的观察.语言战略研究,2023,
- Shanhua He,INTEREST, POWER, AND ATTITUDES TOWARD INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION: The Language Choices of Chinese Provincial Government Websites.Archiv Orientalni,2022,
- Shanhua He,国外语言普查的技术路径及其管理功能.外语电化教学,2022,
- Shanhua He,基于大数据的“一带一路”沿线国家中文学习关注度研究.云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2022,
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