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Paper Publications
Jie Ju,席紫晴,杨炎武,张学成,杨振山,何茂霞.Computational investigation of the structures, properties, and host-guest chemistry of prism[n]arenes.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY,2024,124(1)
Jie Ju,王婉婷,席紫晴,张学成,杨振山,原赫,何茂霞.Thiapillar[5]arenes: Structures, Properties, and Host-Guest chemistry.CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2024,581
Jie Ju,席紫晴,杨振山,张学成,原赫,杨炎武,倪鲁彬,何茂霞.Computational approach to understanding the structures, properties, and supramolecular chemistry of pagoda[n]arenes.JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE,2023,1281
Jie Ju,梁泉艺,刘博扬,席紫晴,杨振山,张学成,原赫,张彤云.Molecular mechanism of alkene hydrosilylation in the molecular cavity of cucurbituril.COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2023,1226
Jie Ju,杨炎武,席紫晴,杨振山,张学成,倪鲁彬.Cyclized oligomer of tetracyanoquinodimethane-tetrathiafulvalene (TCNQ-TTF): a versatile macrocyclic molecule by DFT calculations.JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MACROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY,2022,102(9-10)751-761.
Jie Ju,梁泉艺,刘博扬,席紫晴,杨振山,张学成,原赫,张彤云.Molecular mechanism of alkene hydrosilylation in the molecular cavity of cucurbituril.COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY,2023,1226
Jie Ju,席紫晴,杨振山,张学成,原赫,杨炎武,倪鲁彬,何茂霞.Computational approach to understanding the structures, properties, and supramolecular chemistry of pagoda[n]arenes.JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE,2023,1281
Jie Ju,杨炎武,席紫晴,杨振山,张学成,倪鲁彬.Cyclized oligomer of tetracyanoquinodimethane-tetrathiafulvalene (TCNQ-TTF): a versatile macrocyclic molecule by DFT calculations.JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MACROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY,2022,102(9-10)751-761.
Jie Ju,石慧中,杨炎武,席紫晴,张洁,倪鲁彬.Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of the Initial Ammonolysis Reactions of the Main Raw Materials for the Formation of SiBCN Ceramics.CHEMISTRYSELECT,2021,6(43)12233-12245.
Jie Ju,石慧中,沈超,还龙,何茂霞,陈铭.Heteroatom-bridged pillar[4]quinone: evolutionary active cathode material for lithium-ion battery using density functional theory.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES,2021,133(1)
Jie Ju,沈超,石慧中,罗莎莎,何茂霞,陈铭.Theoretical prediction of structures and inclusion properties of heteroatom-bridged pillar[n]arenes.STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY,2020,31(1)329-337.
Jie Ju,石慧中,杨炎武,席紫晴,张洁,倪鲁彬.Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of the Initial Ammonolysis Reactions of the Main Raw Materials for the Formation of SiBCN Ceramics.CHEMISTRYSELECT,2021,6(43)12233-12245.
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