- [1] 冷锋,霍靖天,孙黎平,李成龙,王立如,王登亮,张夏南.Diversity of physicochemical profiles of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and their antioxidant properties.JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION,2024,18(7)6000-6011.
- [2] 冷锋,方文飞,陈婷,王呈阳,王世平,王磊,张夏南.Different frequencies of water deficit irrigation treatments improve fruit quality of Zitian seedless grapes under on-tree storage.FOOD CHEMISTRY,2024,454
- [3] 冷锋,王岳,曹锦萍,王世平,吴迪,江陵,李鲜,孙崇德.Transcriptomic Analysis of Root Restriction Effects on the Primary Metabolites during Grape Berry Development and Ripening.GENES,2022,13(2)
- [4] 冷锋,周嘉玲,王呈阳,孙黎平,张钥,张夏南,谢兆森,李有梅.Post-veraison different frequencies of water deficit strategies enhance Reliance grapes quality under root restriction.FOOD CHEMISTRY,2022,390
- [5] 冷锋,王呈阳,孙黎平,李沛,曹锦萍,王岳,张长峰,孙崇德.Effects of Different Treatments on Physicochemical Characteristics of 'Kyoho' Grapes during Storage at Low Temperature.HORTICULTURAE,2022,8(2)
- [6] 冷锋,王岳,曹锦萍,王世平,吴迪,江陵,李鲜,孙崇德.Transcriptomic Analysis of Root Restriction Effects on the Primary Metabolites during Grape Berry Development and Ripening.GENES,2022,13(2)
- [7] 冷锋,王呈阳,孙黎平,李沛,曹锦萍,王岳,张长峰,孙崇德.Effects of Different Treatments on Physicochemical Characteristics of 'Kyoho' Grapes during Storage at Low Temperature.HORTICULTURAE,2022,8(2)
- [8] 冷锋,周嘉玲,王呈阳,孙黎平,张钥,张夏南,谢兆森,李有梅.Post-veraison different frequencies of water deficit strategies enhance Reliance grapes quality under root restriction.FOOD CHEMISTRY,2022,390
- [9] 冷锋,段书延,宋仕任,赵丽萍,许文平,张才喜,王磊,王世平.Comparative Metabolic Profiling of Grape Pulp during the Growth Process Reveals Systematic Influences under Root Restriction.METABOLITES,2021,11(6)
- [10] 冷锋,叶蕴灵,周嘉玲,贾惠娟,竺啸恒,石佳钰,王莉,张紫钥.Transcriptomic and Weighted Gene Co-expression Correlation Network Analysis Reveal Resveratrol Biosynthesis Mechanisms Caused by Bud Sport in Grape Berry.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2021,12
- 中级
硕士生导师 - 教师英文名称:Leng Feng
- 教师拼音名称:LF
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:园艺园林学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:扬州大学文汇路校区10号楼401
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:15268569394
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 职称:中级
- 在职信息:在岗
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