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- [1] Guangyu Lu,赵理,柴丽莹,曹园园,崇泽银,朱国鼎,曹俊,其他.Assessing the risk of malaria local transmission and re-introduction in China from pre-eliminatio....ACTA TROPICA,2024,249 [2] Guangyu Lu,张竞月,史甜,刘雨婷,高先茹,曾庆平,李育平,其他.Development and application of a nomogram model for the prediction of carbapenem-resistant Klebsi....MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM,2024,12(1) [3] Guangyu Lu,刘雨婷,黄羽佳,丁佳莉,曾庆平,赵理,李育平,其他.Prediction model of central nervous system infections in patients with severe traumatic brain inj....JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION,2023,13690-99. [4] Guangyu Lu,张东英,陈娟,曹园园,柴丽莹,朱国鼎,曹俊,其他.Predicting the risk of malaria re-introduction in countries certified malaria-free: a systematic ....MALARIA JOURNAL,2023,22(1) [5] Guangyu Lu,柴丽莹,李育平.我国高校预防医学课程思政研究热点及趋势分析——基于CiteSpace的计量研究.卫生职业教育,2023,41(07)99-104. [6] Guangyu Lu,曹园园,张东英,章钰莹,徐玉慧,卢艳,朱国鼎,曹俊.Implementation and challenges to preventing the re-establishment of malaria in China in the COVID....GLOBALIZATION AND HEALTH,2022,18(1) [7] Guangyu Lu,赵理,柴丽莹,曹园园,崇泽银,刘凯旋,朱国鼎,曹俊.Assessing the risk of malaria local transmission and re-introduction in China from pre-eliminatio....Acta Trop,2023,24;249:1070821-20. [8] Guangyu Lu,刘雨婷,黄羽佳,丁佳莉,曾庆平,赵理,李育平.Prediction model of central nervous system infections in patients with severe traumatic brain inj....The Journal of hospital infection,2023,13690-99. [9] Guangyu Lu,曹园园,柴丽莹,李育平,李疏影,Heuschen,朱国鼎,曹俊.Barriers to seeking health care among returning travellers with malaria: A systematic review.TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH,2022,27(1)28-37. [10] Guangyu Lu,曹园园,陈麒,朱国鼎,Muller,O,曹俊.Care-seeking delay of imported malaria to China: implications for improving post-travel healthcar....JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE,2022,29(4)
- Patents
- [1] Guangyu Lu , 一种运动充电型暖腰暖宫装置 [2] Guangyu Lu , 一种运动充电型暖腰暖宫装置
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- [1] 我国输入性传染病患者就医行为影响 因素的模型构建及实证研究, [2] 基于BP人工神经网络构建江苏省输入性疟疾传染病风险预测模型,省级,卢光玉, [3] 普通感冒,流感和新冠肺炎流行病学和临床特征的对比研究(外国专家项目-新冠防控专项),国家,卢光玉,