刘瑞Rui Liu


副高级 硕士生导师










刘瑞,扬州大学副教授,硕士生导师,从事肉品加工与质量控制研究,主持国家自然科学青年基金、江苏省优秀青年基金、江苏省自然科学青年基金、国家博士后基金面上项目等6项,发表学术论文70余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Food ChemistryMeat ScienceFood MicrobiologyLWT等学术期刊发表SCI论文22篇;参编英文专著2部,申请与授权国家发明专利4项。担任Frontiers in NutritionGels杂志的客座编辑,Meat Science 杂志编委,获得扬州大学高端人才支持计划”—拔尖人才,扬州大学青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师培养对象、江苏省科技副总等称号。

一、 主持的科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目;NO诱导肌原纤维蛋白的亚硝基化修饰在猪肉成熟中的作用机制研究;项目批准号:31901610,2020年01月至 2022年12月。

2. 江苏省优秀青年基金,抗氧化蛋白质DJ-1平衡自由基对宰后猪肉水分迁移的影响机制研究,项目批准号:BK20230070,2023年9月-2026年8月。

3. 江苏省自然科学青年基金;蛋白质DJ-1调控氧化应激在猪肉成熟中的作用机理研究;项目批准号:BK20190888,2019年07月至 2022年6月。

4. 国家博士后基金面上项目;《宰后猪肉成熟过程中蛋白质DJ-1调控钙离子释放对肉品质的影响》,项目批准号:2020M671626;2020年7月-2022年7月。

5. 扬州大学“高端人才支持计划”— 拔尖人才,扬州大学,2022年07月-2026年06月。

6. 扬州大学“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象,扬州大学,2022年07月-2025年07月。

7. 2022年江苏省科技副总项目,项目批准号:FZ20221742,2022年7月。

8. 江苏省动物遗传育种与分子设计重点实验室开放课题;三元杂交猪DJ-1/PARK7基因多态性及其蛋白表达对鲜肉品质的影响机制研究,项目批准号:AGBMD202006;2020年9月-2022年8月。

9. 横向项目:畜禽鲜品品质改善技术研究及深加工产品开发:腊番鸭生产技术研究,温氏食品集团股份有限公司,2021年6月-2021年12月。

10. 横向项目:基于一氧化氮提升冷鲜猪肉品质的关键技术开发与应用,扬州祥泰食品有限公司,2022年1月-2023年12月。


1.       Liu Rui, Li Keyue, Yang Tianyi, Yang Lun, Qin Man, Yu Hai, Wu Mangang, Ge Qingfeng*, Bao Wenbin, Wu Shenglong*. Exploring the role of protein DJ-1 in quality of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) and red, firm and non-exudative (RFN) pork during post-mortem aging. Food Chemistry, 2023, 398, 133817.

2.       Lei Chen, Rui Liu*, Mangang Wu, Qingfeng Ge, Hai Yu*. A review on aroma-active compounds derived from branched-chain amino acid in fermented meat products: Flavor contribution, formation pathways, and enhancement strategies. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2024, 145, 104371.

3.       Liu, R.; Guan, W.; Lv, W.; Kang, Z.; Wang, Q.; Jin, D.; Zhao, X.; Ge, Q.; Wu, M.; Yu, H. Oxidative Modification, Structural Conformation, and Gel Properties of Pork Paste Protein Mediated by Oxygen Concentration in Modified Atmosphere Packaging. Foods 2024, 13(3), 391.

4.       Tianyi Yang, Yamin Yang, Peng Zhang, Weitao Li, Qingfeng Ge, Hai Yu, Mangang Wu, Lidong Xing, Zhiyu Qian*, Fan Gao*, Rui Liu*. Quantitative proteomics analysis on the meat quality of processed pale, soft, and exudative (PSE)-like broiler pectoralis major by different heating methods. Food Chemistry, 2023, 426, 136602.

5.       Lei Chen, Rui Liu*, Chenyan Lu, Xinxin Zhao, Mangang Wu, Qingfeng Ge, Hai Yu*. Production of branched-chain flavor compounds from hydrolysis of pork myofibrillar protein by optimizing the inoculation of Limosilactobacillus fermentum YZU-06 and Staphylococcus saprophyticus CGMCC 3475. LWT, 2023, 115512.

6.       Lei Chen, Rui Liu*, Suyun Li, Mangang Wu, Hai Yu, Qingfeng Ge*. Metabolism of hydrogen peroxide by Lactobacillus plantarum NJAU-01: a proteomics study. Food Microbiology, 2023, 112, 104246.

7.       Liu Rui, Ma Yong, Chen Lei, Lu Chenyan, Ge Wingfeng, Wu Mangang, Xi Jun, Yu Hai*. Effects of the addition of leucine on flavor and quality of sausage fermented by Lactobacillus fermentum YZU-06 and Staphylococcus saprophyticus CGMCC 3475. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 13, 1118907.

8.       Ge Qingfeng, Guo Shuyang, Chen Sheng, Wu Yuehao, Jia Zhaoyang, Kang Zhuangli, Xiong Guoyuan, Yu Hai, Wu Mangang, Liu Rui*, A comparative study of vacuum tumbling and immersion marination on quality, microstructure, and protein changes of Xueshan chicken. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9, 1064521.

9.       Liu Rui, Li Keyue, Wu Guoyue, Qin Man, Yu Hai, Wu Mangang, Ge Qingfeng, Wu Shenglong*, Bao Wenbin, Zhang Wangang*. A comparative study of S-nitrosylated myofibrillar proteins between red, firm and non-exudative (RFN) and pale, soft and exudative (PSE) pork by iodoTMT-based proteomics assay. Food Chemistry, 2022, 395, 133577.

10.    Liu Rui, Lu Chenyan, Wang Yongyong, Shen Yinhan, Ge Qingfeng, Wu Mangang, Xi Jun, Yu Hai*, Wu Shenglong, Bao Wenbin, Shan Yanqin. Characterization of a lactic acid bacteria using branched-chain amino acid transaminase and protease from Jinhua Ham and application in myofibrillar protein model. Meat Science, 2022, 191, 108852.

11.    Liu Rui, Yang Lun, Yang Tianyi, Qin Man, Li Keyue, Bao Wenbin*, Wu Mangang, Yu Hai, Wu Shenglong, Ge Qingfeng*. Effect of nitric oxide treatment on pork meat quality, microstructure, and total bacterial count during postmortem aging. Meat Science,2022, 190, 108806.

12.    Liu Rui, Li Suyun,Yang Bo, Chen Lei, Ge Qingfeng*, Xiong Guoyuan, Yu Hai, Wu Mangang, Zhang Wangang*. Investigation of the antioxidant capacity of cell-free extracts from Lactobacillus plantarum NJAU-01 obtained by different cell disruption methods. LWT, 2021, 152, 112393.

13.    Liu Rui, Wu Guoyue, Li Keyue, Ge Qingfeng*, Wu Mangang, Yu Hai, Wu Shenglong, Bao Wenbin*. Comparative Study on Pale, Soft and Exudative (PSE) and Red, Firm and Non-Exudative (RFN) Pork: Protein Changes during Aging and the Differential Protein Expression of the Myofibrillar Fraction at 1 h Postmortem. Foods, 2021, 10(4), 733.

14.    Wang Yanqing, Liu, Rui*, Ge Qingfeng, Wu Mangang, Xu Baocai, Xi Jun, Yu Hai*. Effects of branched‐chain amino acids and Lactobacillus plantarum CGMCC18217 on volatiles formation and textural properties of dry‐cured fermented sausage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56, 374-383.

15.    Yang Tianyi, Liu Rui*, Yang Lun, Yang Wenxue, Li Keyue, Qin Man, Ge Qingfeng, Yu hai, Wu Mangang, Zhou Xiaoyan*. Improvement strategies for quality defects and oxidation of pale, soft and exudative (PSE)-like chicken meat: effects of domestic cooking and core temperature. RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 7485-7496.

16.    Liu Rui, Wang Yanqing, Du Nan, Jiang Donglei, Ge Qingfeng, Wu Mangang, Yu Hai*, Xu Baocai*. An electricalchemical method to detect the branch-chain aminotransferases activity in lactic acid bacteria. Food Chemistry, 2019, 297: 125035.

17.    Liu Rui, Zhang Chaoyang, Xing Lujuan, Zhang Li Li, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang, Wangang*. A bioinformatics study on characteristics, metabolic pathways, and cellular functions of the identified S-nitrosylated proteins in postmortem pork muscle. Food Chemistry, 2019, 274: 407-414.

18.    Liu Rui, Lonergan Steven, Steadham E, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang Wangang*, Huff-Lonergan, Elisabeth*. Effect of nitric oxide and calpastatin on the inhibition of µ-calpain activity, autolysis and proteolysis of myofibrillar proteins. Food Chemistry, 2019, 275: 77-84.

19.    Liu Rui, Lonergan Steven, Steadham E, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang Wangang*, Huff-Lonergan Elisabeth*. Effect of nitric oxide on myofibrillar proteins and the susceptibility to calpain-1 proteolysis. Food Chemistry, 2019, 276: 63-70.

20.    Liu Rui, Warner R D, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang Wangang*. Contribution of nitric oxide and protein S-nitrosylation to variation in fresh meat quality. Meat Science, 2018, 144: 135-148.

21.    Liu Rui, Fu Qingquan, Lonergan Steven, Huff-Lonergan Elisabeth, Xing Lujuan, Zhang Lili, Zhang Wangang*. Identification of S-nitrosylated proteins in postmortem pork muscle using modified biotin switch method coupled with isobaric tags. Meat Science, 2018, 145: 431-439.

22.    Liu Rui, Xing Lujuan, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang Wangang*. What is meat in China? . Animal Frontiers, 2017, 53-56.

23.    Liu Rui, Li Yupin, Wang Mengqin, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang Wangang*. Effect of protein S-nitrosylation on autolysis and catalytic ability of μ-calpain. Food Chemistry, 2016, 213: 470-477.

24.    Liu Rui, Xing Lujuan, Fu Qingquan, Zhou Guanghong, Zhang Wangang*. A review of antioxidant peptides derived from meat muscle and by-products. Antioxidants, 2016, 5(3): 32.

25.    Liu Rui, Li Yupin, Zhang Wangang*, Fu Qingquan, Liu Nian, Zhou Guanghong. Activity and expression of nitric oxide synthase in pork skeletal muscles. Meat Science, 2015, 25-31.

26.    刘瑞,周光宏,张万刚.一氧化氮和蛋白质亚硝基化对鲜肉品质的影响研究进展[J].中国畜牧杂志, 2017,53(04):1-2.

27.    刘瑞, 李雅洁, 陆欣怡, 康大成, 吴满刚, 于海, 葛庆丰*. 超声波技术在肉制品腌制加工中的应用研究进展[J].食品工业科技, 2021, 4224: 445−453.

28.    杨天意, 周晓燕, 罗飞, 杨伦, 李可悦, 秦曼, 葛庆丰, 于海, 吴满刚, 刘瑞*. 烹饪加工对肉类品质和营养特性影响的研究进展[J]. 美食研究, 2022, 39(1): 44-52.

29.    周唯伊, 陆欣怡, 戴嘉宁, 周子洋, 吴满刚, 于海, 葛庆丰, 刘瑞*. 超声波辅助卤制雪山鸡的品质和风味分析[J]. 肉类研究, 2021, 35(10): 33-40.

30.    吕威, 冯媛媛, 管雯, 秦曼, 杨伦, 于海, 葛庆丰, 吴满刚, 邓绍林, 刘瑞*.不同腌制方式对腊番鸭品质的影响[J].美食研究, 2022,39(03):51-59.

31.    杨天意, 周晓燕, 罗飞, 葛庆丰, 于海, 吴满刚, 刘瑞*.家庭烹饪中类PSE鸡肉与正常鸡肉品质及氧化的比较研究[J].中国调味品, 2023,48(01):37-44.

32. Chapter: Liu Rui, & Zhang Wangang. (2020). Detection techniques of meat tenderness: state of the art. In Meat Quality Analysis (pp. 53-65). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819233-7.00004-5

33. Chapter: Zhang Wangang, & Liu Rui. (2020). Molecular factors influencing meat tenderness. In Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (Third Edition) (pp. 306-312). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85125-1.00153-8


[1] 2015.9-2018.6
南京农业大学 | 食品科学与工程 | 博士研究生毕业 | 工学博士学位
[2] 2008.9-2012.7
安徽农业大学 | 食品质量与安全 | 大学本科毕业 | 工学学士学位



