Ying Li


Personal Information

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1992-08-01

Date of Employment:2021-04-12


Business Address:扬州大学荷花池校区



Alma Mater:福建农林大学

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李瑛,男,博士,国家人力资源与社会保障部“香江学者”,扬州大学“青年百人”,硕士生导师主要从事植物根系向水性与根鞘形成的生理与分子机制研究。主讲《作物栽培学》、《专业导论》等课程。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目子课题、人社部香江学者计划、中国博士后科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金和扬州大学校创新培育基金等项目。以第一作者或通讯作者在国际主流期刊《Annual Review of Plant Biology》、《Cell Reports》、《Plant, Cell & Environment》等学术期刊发表多篇高水平研究论文,授权专利2项


发表论文:                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Li Y, Zeng H, Xu F, Yan F, Xu W.  H+-ATPases in Plant Growth and Stress Responses. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 2022. 73:495-521. (IF: 28.310,  ESI高被引论文).

2. Li Y, Yuan W, Li L, Miao R, Dai H, Zhang J, Xu W. Light-Dark Modulates Root Hydrotropism Associated with Gravitropism by Involving Amyloplast Response in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports. 2020, 32(13), 108198. (IF: 8.109).

3. Li Y, Chen Y, Jiang S, Dai H, Xu W, Zhang Q, Zhang J, Dodd IC, Yuan WABA is required for differential cell wall acidification associated with root hydrotropic bending in tomato. PlantCell & Environment. 2024, 47(1), 38-48. (IF: 7.3).

4. Li Y, Yuan W, Li L, Dai H, Dang X, Miao R, Baluška F, Kronzucker HJ, Lu C, Zhang J, Xu W. Comparative analysis reveals gravity is involved in the MIZ1-regulated root hydrotropism. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020, 71(22), 7316-7330. (IF: 5.908).

5. Li Y*, Wang L, Chen Y, Zhang J, Xu W. Recovery of root hydrotropism in miz1 mutant by eliminating root gravitropism. J Plant Physiol. 2024, 292, 154144. (IF: 4.3,*Corresponding author). 

6. Hong Y, Liu S, Chen Y, Wang L, Jiang S, Yao Z, Zhu X, Xu W, Zhang J, Li Y*. Amyloplast is involved in the MIZ1-modulated root hydrotropism. J Plant Physiol2024, 296, 154224. (IF: 4.3, *Corresponding author).

7. Liu Z, Chen Y, Liu S, Jiang S, Wang L, Hong Y, Yao Z, Hu X, Li Y*. MIZ1 acts downstream of PGM1 in regulating root hydrotropism. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2023, 679, 175-178. (IF: 3.1, *Corresponding author).   

8. Yuan W#, Zhang Q#, Li Y#, Wang Q, Xu F, Dang X, Xu W, Zhang J and Miao R. Abscisic acid is required for root elongation associated with Ca2+ influx in response to water stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2021, 169:127-137. (IF: 4.270, #Co-first Author)

9. Li Y, Yuan W, Li L, Xu W. A growing system closer to the natural conditions for studying root growth and response of Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Protocol Exchange, 2019, https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.1737/v1.

10. Yuan W#, Li Y#, Li L, Siao W, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Liu J, Xu W, Miao R. BR-INSENSITIVE1 regulates hydrotropic response by interacting with plasma membrane H+-ATPases in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal & Behavior. 2018, 13 (8):e1486147. (IF: 1.644, #Co-first Author).

Educational Experience

[1] 2013.9 to 2016.6

兰州大学 | Botany  | 硕士

[2] 2016.9 to 2021.3

福建农林大学 | Ecology  | 博士

Work Experience

[1] 2021.4 to Now


[2] 香港浸会大学

  • Research Focus
  • Social Affiliations

[1] 植物根系向水性

[2] 植物逆境生理与分子生物学

[3] 植物根系与土壤微生物互作

[1] 担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Plant  Science、Agronomy、Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications等杂志编辑及审稿人。

[2] 中国植物生理与分子生物学学会会员。

Research Group

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