发表刊物:International Journal of Molecular Sciences
关键字:MAPK; phosphorylation; activation; development; innate immunity; abiotic stress
摘要:Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play crucial roles in almost all biological processes in plants. They transduce extracellular cues into cells, typically through linear and sequential phosphorylation and activation of members of the signaling cascades. However, accumulating data suggest various regulatory mechanisms of plant MAPK cascades in addition to
the traditional phosphorylation pathway, in concert with their large numbers and coordinated roles in plant responses to complex ectocytic signals. Here, we highlight recent studies that describe the uncanonical mechanism of regulation of MAPK cascades, regarding the activation of each tier of the signaling cascades. More particularly, we discuss the unusual role for MAPK kinase kinases (MAPKKKs) in the regulation of MAPK cascades, as accumulating data suggest the non-MAPKKK function of many MAPKKKs. In addition, future work on the biochemical activation of MAPK members that needs attention will be discussed.
文献类型:Research Review