性别: 女
毕业院校: 扬州大学
在职信息: 在岗
所在单位: 农业科技发展研究院(国际联合实验室)
职务: 国际合作交流与平台建设主任
办公地点: 文汇路校区7号楼附楼202
联系方式: 0514-87977735
学位: 农学博士学位
- 孟天瑶,朱旺,汪璐璐,张徐彬,许轲,戴其根,周桂生,韦还和.水稻产量形成对盐-旱复合胁迫的响应与生理机制.扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版),45卷1期18-26.
- 孟天瑶,陈熙,张徐彬,葛佳琳,周桂生,戴其根,韦还和.Genetic Improvement of Post-Heading Root Morphology and Physiology Facilitating Yield Increase of japonica Inbred Rice.AGRONOMY-BASEL,2021,11(12)
- 孟天瑶,陈熙,葛佳琳,张徐彬,周桂生,戴其根,韦还和.Reduced Nitrogen Rate with Increased Planting Density Facilitated Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Modern Conventional Japonica Rice.AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2021,11(12)
- 孟天瑶,张徐彬,陈熙,葛佳琳,周桂生,韦还和,戴其根.Trends in grain quality and responses to nitrogen application of japonica inbred rice released after the 1980s in east China.CEREAL CHEMISTRY,2022,99(3)503-519.
- 孟天瑶,张徐彬,葛佳琳,陈熙,朱广龙,韦还和,戴其根,周桂生.Improvements in grain yield and nutrient utilization efficiency of japonica inbred rice released since the 1980s in eastern China.FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2022,277
- 孟天瑶,朱旺,葛佳琳,张徐彬,周桂生,韦还和,戴其根.甬优籼粳杂交稻植株钾素积累与分配特征及利用效率研究.扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2022,43(4)1-9.
- 孟天瑶,陈熙,张徐彬,葛佳琳,周桂生,戴其根.Genetic Improvement of Post-Heading Root Morphology and Physiology Facilitating Yield Increase of japonica Inbred Rice.AGRONOMY-BASEL,2021,11(12)
- 孟天瑶,陈熙,葛佳琳,张徐彬,周桂生,戴其根.Reduced Nitrogen Rate with Increased Planting Density Facilitated Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Modern Conventional Japonica Rice.AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2021,11(12)
- 孟天瑶,张徐彬,陈熙,葛佳琳,周桂生,韦还和.Trends in grain quality and responses to nitrogen application of japonica inbred rice released after the 1980s in east China.CEREAL CHEMISTRY,2022,99(3)503-519.
- 孟天瑶,张徐彬,葛佳琳,陈熙,朱广龙,戴其根,周桂生.Improvements in grain yield and nutrient utilization efficiency of japonica inbred rice released since the 1980s in eastern China.FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2022,277