Ling Pan
Date of Birth:1988-12-30
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:Sichuan Agricultural University
一ˎ 主要学习和工作经历
2019.04-2020.12: Mendelu University in Brno, Faulty of AgiScience, 博士后研究员。
2017.09- 2018.10:Western Sydney University, 国家留学基金委公派联合培养博士;访问学者2014.09-2018.12: 四川农业大学,攻读草学博士学位。
2010.09-2013.06: 扬州大学,攻读草学硕士学位。
二 主要所获荣誉或称号
1. 荣获“2022年三亚湾科技城高层次人才”称号
2. 荣获“2021年海南自贸港高层次人才”称号
3. 荣获“2017年国家公派出国留学奖学金”
4. 荣获“2017年度中国草学会-王栋奖学金(博士)”
5. 荣获“2019年四川农业大学优秀博士学位论文”
6. 荣获“2018届院级优秀博士研究生”称号
三ˎ 近五年参与的国际国内重大科研项目
1.国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年基金,32401488,根源H2O2信号调控茉莉酸合成以延缓海雀稗叶片衰老机制的研究,2025-01至 2027-12, 30万元,在研,主持。
2.扬州大学, 扬州大学科研启动金(海内外优秀博士),137013098/5019,15万元,在研,主持。
3.海南省科学技术厅, 海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目, 322QN248,多组学整合分析揭示海雀稗叶片耐盐分子机理的究, 2022-04 至 2024-04, 6万元, 结题, 主持。
4.海南省委人才发展局, 博士后日常经费资助, 284347, 整合全基因组代谢网络模型和多组学数据揭示海雀稗光合作用对盐胁迫适应性的研究, 2022-01至2022-12, 8万元, 结题, 主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目, 32260344, 根系分泌物对柱花草与其邻近植物间相互 识别与响应的调控机研究, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 32万元, 在研, 参与。
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31872997, 优质牧草鸭茅开花关键基因挖掘及功能解析, 2019- 01-01 至 2022-12-31, 60万元, 资助期满, 参与。
7. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 31771866, 鸭茅抗锈病分子机制研究及抗性主效基因定位克隆, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 60万元, 结题, 参与。
8.海南大学, 协同创新中心项目, XTCX2022NYB08, 高温驯化下海雀稗光合作用适应性机制研究及GWAS分析, 2022-09 至 2025-08, 120万元, 在研, 参与。
9. European Regional Development Fund, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Centre for Experimental Plant Biology, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000738, 04/2019-12/2020,结题,参与。
10. ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis, 2014-2020, CE140100015, 结题,参与。
六ˎ 主要学术论文发表
1. Pan, L., Xu, T., Wang, J., Zhao J., Sun, Q., Hu, X., Xu, T., Zhang J., Liao, L., Wang, Z. (2024).Root-sourced H2O2 is essential for maintaining jasmonic acid and Na+/K+ homeostasis to delay leaf senescence during salt stress in Paspalum vaginatum. Horticultural Plant Journal.中科院1区期刊,第一作者&通讯作者)
2. Pan, L., Hu, X., Liao, L., Xu, T., Sun, Q., Tang, M., Chen Z., Wang, Z.(2023). Lipid metabolism and antioxidant system contribute to salinity tolerance in halophytic grass seashore paspalum in a tissue-specific manner. BMC Plant Biology, 23, 337.(中科院2区期刊,第一作者&通讯作者)
3. Al-Salman, Y., Cano, F. J., Pan, L., Koller, F., Pineiro, J., Jordan, D., & Ghannoum, O. (2023). Anatomical drivers of stomatal conductance in sorghum lines with different leaf widths grown under different temperatures. Plant, Cell & Environment, 1-17. (中科院1区TOP期刊,第二作者)
4. Pan, L., George-Jaeggli, B., Borrell A., Jordan D., Koller, F., Ghannoum, O., Martín, F.J. C. (2022). Coordination of stomata and vein patterns with leaf width underpins water use efficiency in a C4 crop. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45(6):1612-1630. (中科院1区TOP期刊,第一作者)
5. Pan, L., Berka, M., Černý, M., Novák, J., Luklová, M., Brzobohatý, B., & Saiz-Fernández, I. (2022). Cytokinin Deficiency Alters Leaf Proteome and Metabolome during Effector-Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana Plants. Plants, 11(16), 2123. (中科院二 区期刊,第一作者&通讯作者)
6. Pan, L., X. Q. Zhang, J. P. Wang, X. Ma, M. L. Zhou, L. K. Huang, G. Nie, P. X. Wang, Z. F. Yang and J. Li (2016). Transcriptional profiles of drought-related genes in modulating metabolic processes and antioxidant defenses in Lolium multiflorum. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 519. (中科院二区Top期刊,第一作者)
7. Pan, L., C. Meng, J. P. Wang, X. Ma, X. M. Fan, Z. F. Yang, M. L. Zhou and X. Q. Zhang (2018). Integrated omics data of two annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) genotypes reveals core metabolic processes under drought stress. BMC Plant Biology 18: 26. (中科院二区期刊, 第一作者)
8. Pan, L., T. Huang, Z. F. Yang, L. Tang, Y. J. Cheng, J. P. Wang, X. Ma and X. Q. Zhang (2018). "EST-SSR marker characterization based on RNA-sequencing of Lolium multiflorum and cross transferability to related species." Molecular Breeding 38(6): 12. (中科院二区期刊,第一作者)
9. Hu X., Hao J., Pan L., Xu T., Ren L., Chen Y., Tang M., Liao L., and Wang Z (2022). Genome-wide analysis of tandem duplicated genes and their expression under salt stress in seashore paspalum. Frontiers in Plant Science (中科院二区期刊, 共同作者)
10. Yang, Z., Nie, G., Pan, L., Zhang, Y., Huang, L., Ma, X. and Zhang, X., 2017. Development and validation of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of forage quality parameters in Lolium multiflorum. PeerJ, 5, p. e3867.(中科院二区期刊,共同作者)
11. Zhao, J., Pan, L., Zhou, M., Yang, Z., Meng, Y. and Zhang, X., 2019. Comparative physiological and transcriptomic analyses reveal mechanisms of improved osmotic stress tolerance in annual ryegrass by exogenous chitosan. Genes, 10(11), p.853. (中科院二区期刊,共同作者)
12. Nie, G., L. Tang, Y. J. Zhang, L. K. Huang, X. Ma, X. Cao, L. Pan, X. Zhang and X. Q. Zhang (2017). Development of SSR markers based on transcriptome sequencing and association analysis with drought tolerance in perennial grass Miscanthus from China. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 12. (中科院二区期刊, 共同作者)
13. Feng, G. Y., L. K. Huang, J. Li, J. P. Wang, L. Xu, L. Pan, X. X. Zhao, X. Wang, T. Huang and X. Q. Zhang (2017). Comprehensive transcriptome analysis reveals distinct regulatory programs during vernalization and floral bud development of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). BMC Plant Biology 17: 19. (中科院二区期刊,共同作者)
14. Borrell, Andrew, Fraija, Juan, Wang, Rui, Hunt, Colleen, Jordan, David, Mace, Emma, Tao. Yongfu, Ghannoum, Oula, Cano, Francisco Javier, Pan, Ling, and George-Jaeggli, Barbara. (2019). Variation in leaf vein density in sorghum and implications for C4 photosynthesis. Conference: Innovations in Agriculture for Food Security(国际会议论文,共同作者)
1. 潘玲;蔡丽蓉;王小山;严学兵;邬彩霞;刘大林;王菁; 一种草类植物的匍匐茎木质部汁液提取装置, 2023-09-12,中国, 202321335008.4 (专利)
2. 王小山;孙滢;许庭旸;刘虎虎;潘玲;白育雨;康博文.柳枝稷TCP类转录因子PvTCP19及其重组载体的应用,2024-07-09,中国.202410296808.2(专利)
3. 廖丽; 胡旭; 郝江珊; 王志勇; 唐敏强; 潘玲; 许涛; 潘佳慧; 一种海雀稗根系富集镉含量性状的SNP分子标记及其应用, 2021-12-17, 中国, 202111016759.5 (专利)
4. 张新全; 刘强; 马啸; 黄琳凯; 潘玲; 汪霞; 黄婷; 陈亚娟; 用于垂直电泳凝胶的制胶架, 2017-5-3, 中国, ZL2016212416351(专利)
5. 张新全; 杨忠富; 黄琳凯; 马啸; 汪霞; 潘玲; 黄婷; 彭燕; 用于田间矮秆植物的选种标记装置, 2016-11-30, 中国, ZL201620661088.6 (专利)
6. 紫花苜蓿-青贮玉米轮作生产技术规程(江苏省地方标准,DB32/T4518-2023,2023,参与6/6)
海南大学林学院校外硕士生导师;Frontier in plant science等国内外杂志审稿人;中国草学会会员;中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会会员。
[1] 2017.9 to 2018.10
| 植物生理学
[2] 2006.9 to 2010.6
| 园艺
| Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
| University graduated
[3] 2010.9 to 2013.6
| 草业科学
| Master's Degree in Agriculture
| With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
[4] 2014.9 to 2018.12
| 草学
| Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
| With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
[1] 2021.5 to 2023.2
| 林学院
| 博士后研究员
[2] 2019.4 to 2020.12
Mendelu University in Brno
| Faculty of AgriSciences
| 博士后研究员